
In Maths, the Preps have explored and demonstrated the concept of sharing a collection of objects into equal groups. Each day, the students were given an open-ended task; for example, Three ducks laid some eggs. When they finished laying eggs for the week, there were 18 eggs. How could they share their eggs fairly between 3 nests? Throughout the week, the Preps showed how to share a collection of objects equally in different scenarios.
The Preps wrote their letters to their Penpal class and our class letters have been posted. It has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm and motivation of the Preps to write their letters. Over the last few days, our letters have started to arrive! Everyone is excited to read the letters. The students continue to read and write simple sentences and words and apply their letter sound knowledge to do this.
The Preps explored the properties and uses of aluminium foil in preparation for building an aluminium boat to float their playdough goat.