Message from the Executive Principal

I am pleased to report that we completed the on-site work last week for our school review. This formal and very robust process takes place every four years, and looks back at the previous four years of our strategic plan and collaboratively shapes our new strategic plan for the next four years.
We were lucky to have our review panel led and chaired by Bob Stephens, who has completed over 80 school reviews for the Department of Education and who has previously held senior leadership roles in the Department that involved significant engagement with our school over many years. This experience and capability ensured that the process was rigorous and constructive. The review panel comprised senior staff, including myself, as well as other experienced leaders and educators. The Principal of Mansfield Secondary College, Tim Hall and Kimberley Tempest, Principal of Cobram Secondary College (who also happens to be the recent recipient of the top Victorian Secondary Principal!) generously served the panel as challenge partners. Our School Council President, Deb Fisher was a key part of the whole review process also, and had the unique and valued perspective of having been deeply involved in the last review.
Across the five-day process, more than 50 staff, 70 students and 6 parents were interviewed by panel members.
The draft new 2024 to 2027 Strategic Plan was completed as part of the process and I look forward to sharing this with the school community in the near future after final consultation and ratification by School Council.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Music Department's End of Year Concert on Wednesday 15th or at the Year 12 Graduation Dinner on the 17th!
Dave Armstrong
Executive Principal