School Council Update

An update from School Council:
Council were thrilled with the success of this year's school fair and would like to thank all parents, teachers, carers and volunteers for all their hard work and support to make it happen. Extra special thanks go to Clare, Victoria and Rohan for again coordinating this important community event for our school. We are still working towards calculating our final figures and expenses and we look forward to announcing the profit raised next week together with the future projects made possible by the fair.
Families will now have received information regarding voluntary contributions for each year level in 2024. All payments can be made directly through Compass and alternative payment arrangements are also available through the school administration. Council would like to remind families of the importance of these contributions for offering all of the educational experiences at the school. We received approximately 71% in 2023, an increase from 2022, and we hope to continue to increase this number again in 2024.
As you will be aware, the school canteen moved to on-line ordering this year and is now running at a profit again for the first time in several years. Feedback from the school community has been very positive, but we welcome further comments.
The Year 5 and 6 children are very well settled into the new campus. Please keep an eye out for tours of the new campus, which you will be able to sign-up for in the last weeks of this term. I am working with members of Yarra City Council, our local Members and other community leaders to improve access to the campus by installing new crossings that would facilitate safer movement of children between campuses and to the adjacent Darling Gardens. Gabrielle de Vietri's office are working with us to build a petition to garner school and community support for this initiative. We will provide further updates as they become available.
Next year we are planning a number of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the school. We will be looking for volunteers to help with these activities, so please keep an eye out for opportunities to involve yourself and your family in these exciting celebrations.
Wishing everyone a safe and merry holiday season.
Bryony Nayagam
President, CHPS School Council