Year 5 Camp

Fantastic Flying Fox
To some people's surprise, the scariest thing at camp wasn’t the giant swing or the high-wire. It was the flying fox, and honestly, I had nothing to worry about like all the other people, but I think it was just the anticipation of going on since I was the LAST person to go on the line. After all the walking up the hill and getting clipped in, my friends had gone. They left for the playground after cheering for what they thought was the last person and yelling their favourite things, and the only thing I was thinking was. Where are they? Where did they go? Why did they leave? After thinking that on the way over the lake, I looked around and took it in, this camp was amazing! Time to catch the chain 3 2 1 “Woah!” I exclaimed as the helpers were taking the carabiners off. It was so fun and amazing all squished in the time frame of 30 seconds. After my harness was off I ran to the playground to share experiences and have fun.
Danica 5HR
The Dreaded Cave
My breath wobbled as I heard the terrified screams of people climbing down the shaky ladder. Waiting at the near end of the line, we all stood quietly, anticipating the jolly-sounding doorbell.
As my turn arrived, I took a deep breath and shakily made my way slowly down the ladder. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, a lump in my throat started to build up, my brain filled with irrational thoughts. My heart beat as fast as a race car while I ducked my way into the narrow tunnel. Crawling through the tunnel, I winced as stones pressed deep into my hands and knees, leaving a mark afterwards. Not realising that the narrow tunnel had ended, I continued to awkwardly crawl through the cave.
I froze. Slowly standing up, I sighed. I could’ve walked the whole time instead of awkwardly crawling. Great. Gaining confidence, I made it to the end and slided to the seats, not lifting my feet off the ground so I wouldn’t trip and fall. As I sat down, a sense of accomplishment washed over me. I guess there really was a light at the end of the tunnel.
As other people filed through the cave and onto the seats, laughs built up in my throat, basically choking me. With my arm over my mouth, I stifled laughter until the last person arrived. Then I burst out laughing like a dog that had been waiting for an eternity to bark. As the coach turned the lights on in the man-made cave I realised how non-terrifying the cave actually was. It’s funny what light can do to one's brain.
Zoe 5HR
Giant Swing Jitters
Nerves bubbling out of my chest, the instructor clipped Eve and I in. As the ground slowly dropped down from us, our worries climbed higher. Poles whizzed past and I wished so much that I had chosen yellow. Finally, they struggled to the green pole like a pack of tired sled dogs. “Hooked” that word echoed in my mind. “3,2,1” chorused everyone below. Eve pulled the trigger. We dropped. Feeling like I was falling off a cliff to my crushing death. My eyes tight shut. My palms sweaty. My heart stopped.
Soon after the first few perilous swings my worry began to calm down. Tight shut eyes slowly prised open. Expanding in front of my eyes was a fabulous view. Dancing emerald trees filled the fields. The sky a blue blanket. Gleaming like a jewel in the afternoon haze, the sun was the centrepiece.
Lucy 5HR
Big Swing
The harness was wrapped around me like a snake coiling me from head to toe. I knew this was what I had to do. As I climbed up the ladder butterflies danced around in my stomach. Not stopping for a break neither a rest they just danced. I started to fly up into the air to the top of the swing like a crane bringing up wood. Then I waited for all I was worth and the words. 1 2 3 Go!
My rope was lost and for a second, I wanted truancy. But then a warm breeze twinkled across my skin, a new attitude replaced me, not my normal educational attitude but a more adventurous energetic attitude. I flew through the air like a bird diving and swooping. And when my feet touched the ground and my friends ran to congratulate me I knew this would be the best camp.
Kayhan 5KD
The Great Giant Swing
‘Click’. There’s no going back now. The paint chipped ladder is removed. I start to ascend. It feels so much higher than it looks. Suddenly, we stop moving. “3!” The countdown has begun. “2!” I grab the string attached to the trigger. “1!” I pull. For a second it feels like I'm stuck like a fly in a spiderweb. Then my brain catches up. Whoosh! I sail through the air so fast, but I feel so free. Each swing is shorter than the last. The pain starts. The harness digs into my screaming thighs. Soon the instructor taps and pulls our legs and then the ladder is back. We stand on it. Our turn is now over and it’s time for the next person to test their fate.
Willow 5KD
My competitive side takes over me as my team and I make our way to the start of our race. We put our hands in “3 2 1 Peggy Greggy’s,” we chant and wait for the teachers to shout go. I look down at my wrecked shoes wondering how muddy I will get when all of a sudden I hear a loud voice call “Go!” Both my team and our opposition start, First we have fill up a bucket with lots of holes up with water, Me and Maggie start filling up the bucket whilst the others block the holes. We started realising that there were too many holes, so Maggie jumped in the bucket and blocked the holes from the insidious well as the others doing it from the outside. Soon enough we finished and completed all the obstacles my favourite was when we crawled under the rope through the muddy water, even though it stank.
Alice Giles 5KD
On my bunk bed if you moved one muscle it made a noise so loud that it would make a supernova sound like a whisper, no I’m not exaggerating. On the second night I had to go to the toilet. I tried to go as quiet as possible but still I made a sound louder than the big bang. I can’t wait for the next Netflix show: “Big squeaky”, or “Matpat: to make a theory video about this. Mat Pat is a great youtuber his channels are game theory food theory style theory and film theory yes ducky he does tiers of the kingdom videos I suggest checking his channel out. I don’t think it’s rocket science to know how to tighten a few bolts. Anyhow, my cabin was pretty good excluding my bunk.
Tas 5KD