Year 4 - Sensational Book Summaries

Blueback Summary
By Jess Whitehead, 4VG
Blueback by Tim Winton is a story about a boy named Abel who lives with his mum. His father is dead so he spends most of the time with his mum. Everyday they go out to Robber’s Head and dive.
One day Abel meets a fish and names it Blueback. Blueback is a groper. Everyday from then Abel visits Blueback. Soon they become very close.
There are developers that want to buy the land to make it into a resort. After five years they finally give up because Abel’s mum fights it.
Abel heads out to college. He meets Stella and they get married. Both become marine biologists traveling the world. They soon come back to visit Abel’s mum. She is getting old. On the first night she slips and can’t walk. Soon enough Stella and Abel have a baby, they name it after her grandma. In the end Abel’s mum dies.
Blueback by Alice, 4VG
This is a story of a boy and a Mom who live right next to the ocean. The boy's name is Abel. They meet a fish. Not a normal fish, a bright blue fish. They name it Blueback. Abel met a blue groper. Everyday Abel went to see Blueback and became really good friends.
Once Abel is older he gets married and becomes a marine biologist. After Abel got married to Stella, they moved away and left Dora (Abels Mom) at home. After a few years have passed, Dora starts to get old. Abel and Stella come back to Robbers Head to look after Dora. The day they got home Dora slipped down the stairs. After that she couldn't move as well and just layed in her bed. Stella and Abel have a baby and name it dora.
And that is a sneak peek of Blueback by Tim Winton.
Blueback by Sophie, 4VG
The story is about a boy named Abel. Abel meets a blue groper he names him Blueback. Abel lives right next to the sea. One day Abel leaves home and goes off to high school.
Abel meets Stella. They start hanging out together. One day Abel gets the courage and proposes to Stella. They both get the job of marine biologists. A few years later they quit their job and returned to Robbers head.
Stella gets a baby and names her Dora after Abel’s mother. When they came back Abel's mother could not walk and had to stay in bed. After a bit of time, she dies.
That's a little sneak peek of Blueback by Tim Winton.
Blueback by Jess, 4VG
The story Blueback was written by Tim Winton.
It’s about a boy called Abel and his mother Dora Jackson, they find a blue groper, Abel calls him Blueback. They live by the ocean at a place called Longboat bay at Robber’s Head.
While Abel goes to school bad things happen at his home. Developers come and try to pay Dora money to make a resort there, but she says no, also somebody came and ripped up some of the coral in the bay!
When Abel went to college he met a girl named Stella and got married to her. They both become Marine biologists. They come back to Longboat Bay to celebrate their marriage. That night Dora falls down the stairs and injures her back. She dies shortly after. Abel and Stella have a baby and name her little Dora after his mother.
P.S It’s a good story
Bungawitta By Tess Toovey, 4VG
Bungawitta, written by Emily Rodda, is a great story. Bungawitt
a is a small town in the middle of Australia. Only 12 people live there.
It hasn't rained in Bungawitta for 7 years so they need rain, but they also need money.
They decide to have a dirt festival since there's lots in Bungawitta. In the end they make lots of money, it also rains. All the people have loads of fun so it all works out.
I rate it 4 and a ½ stars
Insignificant Events In The Life Of A Cactus
By Dusty Bowling
By Madeleine Coco 18/8/2023
In the book Insignificant Events In The Life Of A Cactus there is a girl called Aven. Aven was born in Arizona but was adopted and moved to Kansas when she was two. Aven knew she was adopted. She is thirteen and has no arms and red hair. Aven is very independent because she wants to prove to people that she can do anything anyone with arms can do.
Aven went to kinder and told people silly stories about how her arms fell off but she was really born like that.
In primary school and high school she was happy and had friends. When she was at the start of year eight she had to move back to Arizona for her dad’s job. Aven’s dad works at StageCoachPass (a theme park). Aven met Conner in a library and became best friends. Conner has Tourette's Syndrome. Aven and Conner meet Zion and they are good friends.
The three of them think there is a murder in their community and try to investigate. Turns out there was no murder.
In her mum and dad’s drawer she found a photo of two redheaded women and one was pregnant. She went to her mum and showed her the photo. Her mum said it was her biological mum. She was shocked but still when she saw the photo she knew it was her biological mum. Aven went to the shops across the road and talked to the owner. Aven showed her the photo. The owner said that the older lady in the photo was her. She was her grandmother. The lady told Aven the story of her mother and that she died when Aven was just born. Aven’s grandmother tried to take care of her but couldn't so she put her in the adoption center.
Now Aven lives with her mum and dad still like always but often goes across the road to see her grandmother.
Seven Little Australians by Ava, 4VG
The story Seven Little Australians by Ethel Turner is about seven children living just out of Sydney in the late 19 century. The story was about ‘their laughter and their tears.’
At the start Judy is sent off to boarding school. ‘Without doubt Judy was the worst of the seven, probably because she was the cleverest.’ While she was at boarding school we learnt about Meg the oldest. It was a bit boring because it was about love.
Judy ran away from boarding school and became sick. She survived. For Christmas they all went down to Yarrahapinni which was in the country. Pip enjoyed cattle drafting, Meg fell in love again, Bunty, Nell and Baby enjoyed their Stepgrandma’s cooking. But one day they went down the edge of the ginormous property and to save Generals life, from a falling tree, Judy gave hers!
The Undys Summary
By Eva, 4VG
In the book The Undys By Michael Wagner, there is a boy named Josh Undy. He has a dad called Phil Undy and they love to play games together.
They play games like gut barging, twelve storey soccer, free food fight and even a fun run. Josh doesn't have a mum (we don't know why) but later in the story they meet a nice girl called Amy who works at the seafood restaurant.