Year 10 Leadership Day

Danielle Gentile

On Friday August 16th August some of our Year 10 students participated in Leadership Day.  During the morning of Leadership Day, we learnt what a leader is, what leaders do and what qualities a leader has. The Year 10’s learnt about the DiSC assessment which is an acronym that stands for four categories - dominance, influence, steadiness and conscientiousness. 


Our presenters Simon and Marion went through what each category means and where you fall into based on your self-assessment and peer feedback. After recess we learnt how to perform under distractions. The activity we were presented with was to read a letter on a piece of paper and raise your coordinating arm. The activity involved having your partner start yelling at you and making weird noises, so you get distracted. After lunch we learnt about how to conduct ourselves in serious situations and how to negotiate in your favour; these activities included random scenarios, mainly interviews for things like jobs, getting a pay rise and housing tenants. Through these activities we learnt how to act appropriately in serious situations. 


Thank you to Marion and Simon for taking time out of their busy lives to teach and inform us how to be a leader and be more confident in serious situations.


Written by Jamie S. and Maximus P.