Senior School

Year 10 Business Management - Deakin Field Trip
Our Year 10 Business Management class had a field trip to Deakin Uni last Friday. Mark Bolton from Jellie McDonald law firm met us there and explained a lot about the legal requirements that businesses need to follow when operating in Australia. Here are brief reports from some of the students below:
On the 19th, Students visited Mark Bolton at Deakin Uni for a field trip. From this visit, we learned from the wonderful Mark Bolton about Different types of legal structures. Mark demonstrated with his figurine how different types of businesses operate and exist. This helped us clear up any confusion about how separate business types operate. - Will D
On 19th Friday, July 2024, we went to Deakin University as a field trip to widen our perspective on legal requirements + financial considerations. We spoke to Mark Bolton about legal structures and he used figurines to explain each characteristic of the structures. We learnt a lot about his personal life when it comes to businesses, which personally helped me understand business management and how it works in the real world. - Rameen R
On the 19th of July 2024 me and my class went to Deakin University to talk about businesses legal oblations and business plans. We talked to someone named Mark Bolton where he used special diagrams such as action figures, others examples and more. We learnt a lot but what stuck out to me was his expertise in the structures of business, when he used “toys” it demonstrated the idea in a simple and more optimised way. - Abraham B
On Friday the 19th of July, the Year 10 Business Management class went to Deakin University to visit Mr Bolton to learn more about our current area of study: legal requirements and financial considerations. I thought the trip was very informative and quite interesting. I enjoyed the way he explained the topics and gave us a deep dive into his work. - Sam S
Matthew Jellie
Senior School Teacher
Year 9/10 Jazz Ensemble
During Semester 1, the Year 9/10 music class worked in small groups in their instrument families (strings, woodwind and brass). The woodwind and brass groups performed admirably at the Warrnambool Eisteddfod at the end of last term. This term, the students will be playing together as a Jazz ensemble. Some will be learning new instruments, and they will be developing Jazz and improvisation skills. It's great to see some Jazz back at King's College. In the past we have had students perform at the Generations in Jazz festival at Mt Gambier and our Jazz band (with the help of some parents at the time) won the Open Band section at the Warrnambool Eisteddfod.
Andrew Philpot
Music Teacher
Year 9 Barista Course
Over the next couple of weeks, the Year 9's will complete their Barista training with South West TAFE. It is always a great experience. Students learn how to make the perfect Espresso and a variety of other coffees, as well as how to use and clean a coffee machine correctly.
Ally Robinson
Senior School Teacher
Year 7 & 8 Food Tech
Last week, the Year 7's learnt about safety in the kitchen and practiced their chopping skills to make Tzatziki and vegetables. Some tried Capsicum for the first time and loved it. Meanwhile, the Year 8's learned how to make Churros.
Ally Robinson
Senior School Teacher