Junior School

Head of Junior School Update
We have had a wonderful start to Term 2 and are very much looking forward to Grandparents Day on Friday next week. Term 3 tends to be my favourite as we also have Book Week, Swimming and Founder’s Day.
But the thing that has made me the MOST excited this week, has been the commencement of the construction of our new Junior School playground. The builders are making quick work of it and it is certainly a wonderful sideshow for our staff and students at recess and lunch as they watch it all come together. We hope to be able to open it soon, after some landscaping.
Thank you to Mrs Snook, who helped choose a best-fit playground for our students at King’s College. We can’t wait to play on it (even Mr Rouse said he wanted to have a play on it!).
Alex Burgess
Head of Junior School
The Preps have had an exciting first two weeks of school! We have had two sessions of gymnastics, and have absolutely loved it! We have all tried our best at the different equipment and activities including the rope, the long trampoline and obstacle courses.
This week at music, we each got a cool sticker from Mr Philpot, and we got to play the Xylophones. We got to write and tell Mrs Romero all about this! It has been a great start to the term, and we are excited for the weeks ahead!
Eden Romero
Prep Teacher
Year 1
Year 1 enjoyed their second gymnastics session at Strive Gymnastics this week. Working through a series of balance beam challenges and a trampoline obstacle course with a big rope climb, students jumped their way around the equipment with energy and enthusiasm. As well as being good listeners, Year 1 worked together to ensure everyone had fun, giving their best effort to each activity.
In Christian Studies this term we have been learning about Moses, finding Exodus a book of adventure as God keeps his promises and rescues His people. We had fun making cosy, waterproof baskets for baby Moses on the Nile river, and creating burning bushes with cellophane and LED tealights.
Lyndell Tucker
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
Welcome back to everyone! The Year 2s have been full of excitement since the beginning of the term as they have heard all about the Uganda trip and received letters from some students at Ararat Christian School. Mr Rouse joined us for a lesson on the first day back to school where we discussed gratitude and being thankful for all of the big and little things that we have here in Australia!
We have also begun learning Multiplication in Maths and have engaged in lots of different fun activities involving toy animals and playdough to explore 'groups of'.
Finally, this week we celebrated the 100th day of school with some fun games, challenges and making some 100th day crowns! The Year 2s are pumped for all of the fun things that are to come throughout this term! We hope everyone had a great break!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 4
Year 4 are very excited for the Paris Olympic Games. They have been researching the history of the Olympic Games and the city of Paris. Last term each student drew a picture which could potentially be displayed in the Australian Olympic Village to help inspire our athletes. One student drew one specifically for former King’s College captain, Penny Smith, as she competes in her second Olympic Games. Let the Games Begin!.
Christie Stephen
Year 4 Teacher
Year 5
Year 5 has had a great start to Term 3. We are beginning our democracy unit in Humanities and have learnt what is democratic and undemocratic. This has sparked some great conversations around the classroom and led to lots of new learning already.
In Maths, the students have been learning about coordinates and are now learning Compass points and direction. They also played Battleships which was a great game to reinforce coordinates. This was done by setting up grids in their books and trying to sink each other's ships.
Our novel study of War Horse by Michael Morpurgo is off to a good start with students enjoying the story so far and learning about descriptive writing.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Year 6
Year 6 have had a busy week. We are rehearsing for our Assembly item which will be on August 9th. Our Learning Support Assistant, Mrs Sarah Bond, has been choreographing it for us. Sections of it are in small groups and then we join together. We hope you will all enjoy it.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher
Gideon Program
Term 3 is off to a great start in the Junior Gideon Class! Students have settled quickly back into their routines and are setting their goals high. I want to acknowledge the hard work and achievement of our numeracy students who have remained focused and motivated throughout Semester 1. Congratulations to Gabbi, Claire, Caleb and Caprice who have mastered all concepts in their Alpha Maths book and have now moved up to the next level. An incredible effort!
Steph Kosh
Junior School Gideon Teacher