Early Learning

The Koala three year-old students began Term 3 with a cosy Pyjama Day. We made Teds in Beds biscuits to take home, made Bananas in Pyjamas craft and played some slumber party counting games. The children brought some special teddies along to join the fun!
A special event like a relaxed pyjama day helped the children to anticipate returning after a long break. Some children said they missed their parents, but everyone had a great day nevertheless! Sometimes we miss people we love when we are apart, but we have been able to settle in and get involved at Kinder. This shows us that we are growing up to be confident and able to manage our emotions as needed.
This week we had some wildlife encounters at Kinder. Daniel brought in some real Witchetty Grubs to show us! He passed the biggest Grub around for anyone to look at, touch or even hold if they wanted to. We watched a film of some Indigenous people looking for Witchetty Grubs in the holes of a tree, making a hook out of a stick and pulling a Grub out. A boy ate the Witchetty Grub!
Lots of people enjoy finding Witchetty Grubs to snack on if they're able to find some inside a tree. We learned that they make good tucker and taste a bit like eggs. The children agreed that they like eggs but they weren't sure if they'd like to bring Witchetty Grubs to Kinder in their lunch boxes. We also watched a short film of a Witchetty Grub that had turned into a big, fluffy Moth! We watched the Moth push its way out of the hole in the tree and crawl onto the tree trunk. It was amazing to see how it had changed from a little Grub into a Moth.
Later, our Prinicpal, Mr. Rouse, came to Kinder to share some exciting news: There was a Koala in the tree just behind our Kinder building! We walked outside to see the Koala. The Koala was very cute, and it was watching us very closely! We watched it right back. The Koala wasn't sure it liked us watching it, so it climbed higher up the tree. We thought perhaps it felt safer way up there, even though we said hello and introduced ourselves as the Koala Group! We had to talk quietly and stay quite still so the Koala wouldn't feel scared with lots of inquisitive children looking up at it. We are learning to respect the creatures we share our land with, and to consider their needs and feelings.
This week we will also be finding out about the Olympic Games, and participating in some mini Olympics over at the gym. What a fun first week back we've been having!
Sian Duggan
Early Learning Educator
One of our Possum children achieved an impressive milestone in their learning lately, and wanted to celebrate with a cake. In our next session, we reflected on our learning at circle time, and realised that we are amazing learners! Some of us have learned different tricks in the pool, or how to write our names, or how to ride a bike, or how to use a ride-on mower! Next, we learned how to make a cake. Our learning cake was delicious, and beautiful. It was special to celebrate some of the things our Possum children are proud of learning this year.
Beth Parker
Head of Early Learning