Upcoming Club Events

1. RSC Aggregate #1, Sunday, July 21st @ Aquahub

2. RSC Annual General Meeting, Monday, July 29th @ Aquanation

3. RSC Short Course Meet, August 4th @ Aquanation

RSC Annual General Meeting, Monday, 29th July at Aquanation in the clubroom @ 7pm

We need to have at least 25 members in attendance to have a quorum, otherwise we cannot elect new members to the new committee. If you can spare a little bit of time, we would really appreciate it if you could attend. It should be no longer than 30-40 minutes. There will be an annual report presented by the President and Treasurer and the election of new committee members for the 2024-2025 season.

All positions on the Committee become vacant and will be open for nomination. The positions available are:


Executive Committee: 

  • President
  • Vice President/Coach Liaison
  • Secretary/Fundraising Support
  • Treasurer/Contracts

Committee members:

  • Competitions Officer x2
  • Admin Officer
  • Fundraising Officer
  • Marketing/Sponsorship Officer
  • Uniforms Officer
  • Grievance Officer (doesn’t have to be a committee member)

The aim for the 2024-2025 season is to have Committee meetings every 2.5 months (Minimum of 4 times per year).


We would like to have subcommittees to share the load of the work involved in running the club. These people do no need to be committee members, but are members of the club that can help with the following areas:


Sub Committees: 

Competitions – minimum 2 members 

Marketing/sponsorship – minimum 2 members 

Fundraising- minimum 2 members


RSC is dependent on parent volunteers to help keep the club moving forward each year. If you are interested in getting involved by taking up a position or getting involved on one of the subcommittee’s, please feel free to get in touch and/or fill in the attached nomination form. We will have people witness/nominate at the AGM so don’t worry about getting the entire form filled in. Getting involved is a great way to get to know other parents as well as get to know more about the club and the world of swimming. We would love to have you onboard so please get in touch if you can help out!


We hope to see as many of you as possible on Monday, July 29th at 7pm!

RSC Short Course Meet, August 4th @ Aquanation

See the page dedicated to this meet for important information. Entries almost full!