From our Assistant Principal

Judith McDonald

Health of students and staff   

It has been lovely to feel some warm sun today. Hopefully we are moving through Winter and the beginning of some Spring weather.  There are still many illnesses circulating in our community at the moment. We request that parents keep their children home if they are unwell and seek advice from your medical practitioner. 

When students who are unwell come to school, they are often distressed and unable to participate in learning programs. There is also a risk of passing the illness on to other students and staff. Over the past couple of weeks, we have had high numbers of staff illness and absence. This can impact students and learning programs. 

Letter from past student

It was great to hear from past student Siraj that he is enjoying his life after leaving school and that he is now working in a voluntary job in the community. Here is a copy of a letter he wrote to a support worker about his new role. It is always exciting to hear about what our students are doing once they have left school. Congratulations Siraj!

Student Support Group (SSG) meetings


We look forward to seeing parents and carers next week during our Student Support Group meeting week. There is still time to book in with teachers via Compass, SSG form or by phoning the office. These meetings provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet together to discuss your child's progress and goals for the second semester of this year.