Religious Education

- The Confirmation Family Workshop will take place this evening for all Confirmation candidates. It will commence at 7 pm and conclude at 8 pm.
- The Confirmation Commitment Mass will take place this Sunday morning, July 21st, at 9 am, at St. John Vianney's Church for all Confirmation candidates (unless alternative arrangements have been made via direct contact with either Mick or Kerry).
- Next Tuesday, July 23rd, is the Confirmation Reflection Day. All year 6 students will participate in this day. There are still several parent letters outstanding- these are required for this day.
- An information sheet was sent to you digitally and in a hard copy for you to fill in details about your child's Confirmation. This is for the parish's record of this Sacrament and is very important. Please fill it in and return it ASAP.
- Confirmation banners are due at school by Monday, July 29th.
On Tuesday, July 16th, Father Justin kindly gave up his time to come and speak with the year 6 students about their faith and the importance of the Sacraments. In the lead up to Confirmation, this was a very powerful and thought provoking session for the students.
Thank you, Father.
Next Thursday, July 25th, Mass will be celebrated at 9:15 am as part of our Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day. Everyone is welcome!
Dates for 2024
Confirmation: Sunday 4th August at 1 pm
First Reconciliation: Wednesday 6th November at midday