A Message from the P&FA
Welcome to Term 3.
On Wednesday night, parents were invited to tour the Discovery Centre before our meeting. Designed to be a multipurpose learning environment, the Discovery Centre is filled with natural light, modern technology and collaborative spaces. It is strategically located adjacent to the Swag Chapel and the Sustainability Centre to support teaching and learning opportunities with a focus on our commitment to challenge (To Strive), inspiration (To Seek), and environmental sustainability (To Care)—core elements of our motto. All year levels have been programmed to have classes in the Discovery Centre.
Last week, a survey was distributed about the P&FA with the invitation to the meeting and tour. From the responses we have had, it appears that most parents are not aware of the role of the P&FA at St Philip’s College. If you have not completed the survey, do please take 5 minutes to give us your feedback.
All parents or guardians at St Philip’s automatically become a member of the Parents’ & Friends’ Association.
Rather than the P&FA being a fundraising body (due to the optional, annual $25 P&FA donation received from each family) the St Philip’s P&FA currently provides various support to teachers, and we have a presence at various College events. Our tasks mainly include distributing, selling or cooking food at events, and one major fundraiser is from our Second-Hand Uniform sales.
For these events to be a success and to subsequently benefit your child, parent involvement is still extremely necessary by way of hands-on assistance & working bees.
Currently, we use our meetings to keep parents updated on school matters & to raise any matters of concern. We do from time to time, invite relevant guest speakers to share valuable information which may help with your child’s education & development.
At present, meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every term. These meetings are usually attended by the Principal and at least one of the Deputies. They are able to inform parents of what is happening around the school, and it also gives parents time to discuss any items with them. As parents, you know what is happening outside the school perimeter and are able to inform St Philip’s College about what will help students.
Our mission statement is to:
· Cooperate with the Principal & teachers
· Appreciate all contributions both in time & money
· Respect all ideas & opinions
· Encourage all members of the school community to be a part of the P&FA.
This term, there are two events that the P&FA will be assisting with, the musical and Kiddy Kapers. To find out more information about these events and sign up, please use the following links.
Term 4 will be our final meeting of 2024. If you have any agenda items that you would like to be discussed, please email them through so I can present them to the College leaders to prepare a reply.
Kind Regards,
~Yvette Valentine
President P&FA