Specialist News 

Visual Arts

August Art Attack

Congratulations to Lillie, Grace, Cienna, Dakota, Violet, Hunter, Ashleigh, Kooper, Rose and Gemma for representing Bittern Primary School at the upcoming art show held in Crib Point. The art show will be held at Crib Point Community Centre from Friday, 23rd August at 7:00pm until Sunday, 25th August at 4:00pm. Get down and show your support and check out our budding artists work on display! 

Bittern Primary School students had fun exploring how the human form can be displayed in different ways through different art forms alongside the Olympics taking place over the past few weeks.



Ms. Roberts


What a huge day it was for us last Thursday. Luckily the weather gods smiled on us and it made for a hugely enjoyable day.


Senior students rotated through the athletic disciplines that they will have a chance to compete at when the District Athletic Sports roll around on Thursday, 25th August at Mornington Athletics Track. These disciplines included; 100 & 200m sprint, 4 x 100m relay, 800m, hurdles, high jump, long jump, triple jump, discuss and shot put.


Students from F to Grade 2 also got into the groove and will be well versed by the time they hit middle school participating in; relays, long jump, high jump, vortex throw, egg and spoon and sack races.


It was great to see so many parents there supporting the event and as mentioned on the day, it is impossible to conduct these events without parental support. A huge shout out to my right hand man - 

Adrian Van De Kasteele for his never ending support and help setting up.


Jamie Faithfull for jumping in and twinging the hamstring

Tom Gower and Jessica Chavez for assisting with the juniors. Great running Tom'

Angeline Bobby Hiku for also getting involved with the juniors

Apologies to anyone I have missed


Finally, thanks to our wonderful aides who go above and beyond in assisting and making it work. 

Brenda  the human calculator

Gemima the Tom Jones dedication

Georgia the injury obfuscator

Nat the 'now I'm rolling' official


I'd like to also than our wonderful Western Port Secondary School assistants and Luara Higgins at WPSC for arranging these helpers. It made life far simpler on the day.


And of course the teachers - Lucas, Jo, Kim and Sally



Jackson - House winner overall.

Individual age champions based on standardized scores over all rotational events plus 800m

FEleanor HeyblomReegan Nacumli Dawes
1Lily Van DeKasteeleRiver Anderson
2Zac LeerentveldGrace Everist
9yoDane LeerentveldIsla Berghoef
10yoMax BruceMaya Hardingham
11yoHunter Van De KasteeleRose Everist
12yoKiri ChahwanJedd Norton



Week 7 - August 29th

Notifications will be received this week via Compass for students who have made the school ahletics team based on the House Aths results


Week 8 - Swimming Lessons

There are just a few available spots remaining and ability to attend closes this Friday. So jump on Compass before Friday if you wish your child to commence or continue the path to being water safe.


Week 9 - September 12th Rugby Gala Day

Stay tuned for students in 3-6. Notes will be going out within the next 2 weeks for this and it will be a free event.


Mr E



The Foundation students have been learning about Olympics over the past few weeks, so we have been learning the signs for various events in Auslan as well. 


This week we have started learning about the signs for family members and we will continue working on these for the next few weeks. The aim is that students should be able to sign how many people are in their family and who those people are i.e. siblings, cousins etc. 


Grade One and Two

During Auslan sessions the Grade One and Two students have also been working on learning the signs for various Olympic events and using them in signed sentences. 


This week we have been learning to sign the numbers 1 to 100 and they are becoming quite good at signing the larger numbers which can be quite tricky.


Grade Three to Six

The Grade Three to Six students have also been learning the signs for a variety of Olympic events, however they have been incorporating them into sentences which has demonstrated their understanding of previously learnt signs. These sentences have included seeking assistance for a friend who has injured themselves whilst participating in an Olympic event. Some of the students were quite theatrical with their scenarios, involving excellent facial expression which is a very important aspect of Auslan. 


Miss Bacon

Performing Arts 

The students in years 3-6 have been learning to read and write musical notation.  Our learning intention has been to know the names and values of notes with the aim of writing our own musical scores.  I have been impressed with the children's ability to recognise the notes in our recorder pieces.  We have improved a lot and hope to present our 

'rock recorder' items at our concert at the end of the year. 


Our junior students love to sing and dance.  We have been working on several dances that we are hoping to perform at upcoming assemblies.  Our favourite dance is Justin Timberlake's 'Can't stop the Feeling' followed by the Chicken Dance. 

Do you remember such songs as 

  • She'll be coming round the Mountain 
  • The Purple People Eater 
  • I am Australian 
  • The crocodile song 
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialodocious 
  • My favourite things (Sound of Music) 

These songs are great and I am thrilled when I hear the children singing these tunes in the playground and walking into class. 


Mrs Herbert