Principal News  

Curriculum Day - September 16th. 

Could all families please note that we have a curriculum day on Monday September 16th. Students are not required at school on this day. Staff will be focusing on whole school curriculum planning and additional plans to move into our new learning spaces in Term 4. Please mark this date in your diaries. 

Your Feedback is important! 

The Parent/Carer/Guardian opinion survey closes on 30th August 2024.  Currently only 25% of our community has completed this survey. 


A link and PIN was sent to you via Compass. 

The survey assists schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies. 


The survey is optional, but we encourage and appreciate your participation.

School Times 

Staff are not officially on duty until 8.40am.  

If students are arriving earlier than this time they are not supervised.  We are experiencing an increasing number of children arriving early at school and it is a child safety concern. 


The only exception to this time is Breakfast club. Breakfast club is from 8.15 - 8.45am everyday except Thursday.  If children are attending Breakfast club they MUST stay in the BER until 8.40am when staff are on duty outside.  

Thank you for your support! 

School Council 

We would like to welcome Holly Emmett to our School Council. Holly has successfully filled a casual vacancy and is now an official member of the Bittern PS school council. Holly is a welcome addition to our team and we look forward to including Holly at our next meeting on 11th September.  

House Athletics 

What a great day we had last week at the House Athletics. The sun was shining, the children were fully engaged in athletic activities, there were people everywhere and the vibe was fantastic! Congratulations to all talented students who proudly displayed their athletic abilities individually and as a team. 

A huge thank you to our parent volunteers, helpers and cheer squad. Events on this scale require significant preparation, parent helpers and volunteers.  We are fortunate to have such an active and caring school community. We appreciate all that you do.  


A shout out to Mr E  for his expert organisation and skill in organising this event.  You are a superstar Mr E! 

Car Parking  

We are aware that parking during pick up and drop off times can be challenging due to the limited number of car parks at the front of the school. Unfortunately this is not designated school parking and sometimes residents park their cars on our side of the road.  We are looking into this situation for possible solutions.


 There are approximately 20 car parks along Portsmouth Road, however there is additional parking at the rear of our school on Creswell Street. Families may park in these spaces and enter our school from the side gate near the park. 

We ask parents to be mindful of the need for parking and be prompt when picking up their children at the end of the day. 

A reminder that the staff car park is not available for parent parking due to issues relating with child safety. 

Child Safe 

Child safety and wellbeing at Bittern Primary School: information for families and the school community


Bittern Primary School  is committed to providing an environment where students are safe and feel safe. Our child safety framework includes policies, codes and procedures that explain how we support and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students and protect them from harm. 


We are also committed to continuous improvement of our child safety framework. We are currently reviewing our child safety policies and practices to ensure they are up-to-date and effective. 


Our students and families are important partners in this process. We welcome your feedback or ideas on ways we can improve our approach to child safety and wellbeing


We have included 3 of our child safety related policies below. To view further policies please visit our website:

If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact Bittern Primary School on 03 5983 9590 

Do you have your hat on? 

Bittern PS is an accredited SunSmart school. 

It is now that time of the year when we need to start wearing our school hats. 

Our sun protection policy states that from August 15th to 30 April, all students must wear a sun protective hat that shades the face, neck, and ears for all outdoor activities. 

We will commence wearing hats from Monday, 26th August.  From this date, students without hats will be asked to move undercover during recess and lunch times. 


For more information please refer to the Sun Protection policy (see link below).   Our policies are also available on our school website.