Monarch Community Report

AHPS August 2024

Monarch Community Teachers













Revision -Summarising - Remind your child that a summary is a short telling of what they just read.

  1. When you get ready to summarise, think about what parts of the story you will tell.
  2. Think about including enough information to make sense to someone who has not read the story.
  3. As you tell your summary, make it clear how one event led to another.
  4. In one sentence (or very few), tell about the most important thing that happened in the story – this is most likely connected to the problem.
  5. Then in one sentence (or very few), tell the most important events in the middle of the story – connect back to the problem.
  6. Finally, in one sentence (or very few), tell how the whole story ends up.

Teachers prompted students to a brief summary by asking the following  questions: 

  • Can you say that in a shorter way?
  • How does that event connect to the one you just told me?
  • You told me many things that happened in the middle. Which two or three were the most important?
  • What’s the most important thing that happened at the end?

Students focused on using the 5Ws and 1H to help them summarise a story or text. 

  • Who-who is in the story? Who is the story mainly about?
  • What-what happens in the story?
  • When-when does the story take place?
  • Where-where does the story take place?
  • Why-why did the story happen?
  • How- how does the story end? 


Students’ examples






































Strand: Number-Adding and Subtracting Fractions.































& Inquiry



Biological Sciences -Living World -Adapting to Survive 

































                          Friendly Reminders & Important Dates For 2024: 


Please remember and Thank You:

  • Thank you to the families who paid for Camp and students who attended camp.
  • The local excursion form needs to be completed and handed to your child’s classroom teacher. It is important to have a water bottle each day that is labelled. 
  • Please ensure your children are attending school as “It is not ok to be away”. 
  • Students complete 15-20 mins of reading as AHPS homework, and it should be recorded in their school diaries. The diary should be returned to school either daily or weekly for their teacher to sign. 
  • Brain food is fruit or vegetable snacks that children may eat in class. It is important to include this as an additional snack in their lunch box.
  • Students are encouraged to bring gel pens or coloured pens to school, to be used for their reflective journal.


Much appreciated, From the Monarch Community 2024.