Bullying No Way! Be and Upstander!
Monday the 12th August to Sunday the 18th August was National Bullying Prevention Week. The theme for this year was ‘Everyone Belongs’.
Take action! Here are six ways that you can be an upstander when you see bullying:
REFUSE TO BE A BYSTANDER. If you see friends or classmates laughing along with the bullying, tell them that they are contributing to the problem. Never join in.
LEND A HAND. Ask the person who is being left out or picked on to join you and fellow Upstanders in an activity.
ALERT AN ADULT. Always notify a teacher or school administrator whenever you see someone being bullied.
STOP THE SPREAD OF HURTFUL MESSAGES. If someone sends you a message or tells you a rumour that is untrue, speak out. Let them know that this behaviour is not funny or cool.
BE A FRIEND. Welcome new students. Make friends outside of your circle. Eat lunch with someone who is eating alone.
RESPECT DIFFERENCES. Remind others that differences are something to be celebrated, not used to hurt others or make others feel inferior.Here are some ways that you can be an UPSTANDER