Mental Health and Wellbeing
State School's Relief
Welcome back to Term 3! As we have seen the change in the weather your child might need some extra items of uniform. Or they had a sudden growth spurt over the holidays and none of their uniform fits anymore.
If you need additional assistance with uniform, please email the school with your child's clothing and shoe size.
We have been very fortunate to be included in the Foodbank program. Fortnightly we have fresh fruit, vegetables, small sized milks and fruit cups delivered to the learning communities for all students.
The Foodbank program is not designed to replace snacks and lunch provided from home. It is additional food that we can offer to students if they are feeling hungry throughout the day or if they need some brain food.
We understand that families are feeling the pressure of increasing costs of living. If you are struggling, please reach out as we have a small number of family take home packs available each fortnight. Please contact the school office if you would like to collect one of these packs.
Each box contains
- Vita brits
- 4 tins of spaghetti
- 4 tins of baked beans
- 2 tuna/rice packs
- Vegemite
- vegetable and rice meals
- pumpkin soup
- chicken noodle soup
- 2 x 1L long life milk
- 6 fruit cups
As these items are heavy, they will need to be collected by an adult.
Food relief services in the community
Click the link to access a list of places in the community who also offer food parcels or assistance with meals.
Mental Health support networks
Your GP is a good person to talk to about your mental health. They can refer you onto additional services or offer advice about your physical health. As many of the GP's in the area no longer bulk bill for adults, the cost of visiting the GP can be difficult. However, Roxburgh Park Doctors still bulk bills and some of the GPs offer weekend appointments.
If you do not feel comfortable speaking with your doctor or you need support after hours, there are other services available.
- Lifeline provides 24-hour crisis counselling, support groups and suicide prevention services. Call 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online.
- Suicide Call Back Service provides 24/7 support if you or someone you know is feeling suicidal. Call 1300 659 467.
- Beyond Blue aims to increase awareness of depression and anxiety and reduce stigma. If you or a loved one need help, you can call 1300 22 4636, 24 hours/7 days a week or chat online.
- MindSpotis a free telephone and online service for people with anxiety, stress, low mood or depression. It provides online assessment and treatment for anxiety and depression. MindSpot is not an emergency or instant response service. Call 1800 61 44 34.
- Head to Health gives advice and will connect you to local mental health services. Call 1800 595 212.
- MensLine Australia is a professional telephone and online counselling service offering support to Australian men. Call 1300 78 99 78, 24 hours/7 or chat online.
- FriendLinesupports anyone who's feeling lonely, needs to reconnect or just wants a chat. You can call them 7 days a week on 1800 424 287, or chat online with one of their trained volunteers. All conversations with FriendLine are anonymous.
- Kids Helpline is Australia's only free 24/7 confidential and private counselling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 – 25. Call 1800 55 1800.
- headspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 – 25 and their families and friends. Call 1800 650 890, or chat online.
- SANE Australia provides support to anyone in Australia affected by complex mental health issues, as well as their friends, family members and health professionals. Call 1800 187 263 or chat online.
- Blue Knot Foundation Helpline is the National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma. It provides support, education and resources for the families and communities of adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse. Call 1300 657 380.
- 13YARN provides 24/7 free and confidential crisis support. Call 13 92 76.
- Thirrili provides support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the aftermath of suicide or other fatal critical incidents. Call 1800 805 801, 24 hours/7 days a week.
- QLife provides nationwide telephone and web-based services for peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. Call 1800 184 527.
- PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia) supports families across Australia affected by anxiety and depression during pregnancy and in the first year of parenthood. Call 1300 726 306.
- Butterfly National Helpline is available for anyone in Australia concerned about eating disorders or body image issues, either for themselves or someone they care about. Call 1800 33 4673.
- 1800RESPECT available for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support people impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence. Call 1800 737 732