From the Library

In Term 1 we added a Graphic Novel and Manga section to our library. This has proved very popular so we'll continue to build this. A lot of new manga has just arrived so they'll be available in the library in the coming weeks.
In Term 2 we began the process of updating our Non-Fiction collection by taking out the books that are dated or no longer being borrowed. Some of those have been used to create resource tubs for classes to use in their learning and the books that we no longer have a need for are being donated to Books for PNG Kids.
This term our Non-Fiction books are making their way back into the library and we'll now focus on filling the gaps and rebuilding our collection.
Upcoming: Book Week - Reading is Magic
In week 6 we'll be celebrating Book Week with writing and illustrating competitions, decorate your doorway and a dress up day.
Caring for our library
All classes were provided with library bags earlier in the year and I highly encourage everyone to keep their library books in there. They're bright green and much easier to spot than a book in a bookshelf or hiding under a bed when it comes time to return.