Foundation Learning Community News

Term 3, Week 3

Welcome back to a new term! We have hit the ground running with some fun learning activities such as preparing for the Potato Olympics, participating in a Mini Olympics incursion and learning about our digestive system.

We were all pleased to see the new garden areas created in Term 2 have continued to thrive over the holiday break and have made our outdoor space so much better. We are hoping to be able to use some of our fresh vegetables for cooking activities and to add to our flower garden.



Now that we have learnt the dominant sounds for most letters we have been learning about digraphs. We know that this is when two letters work together to make one sound (e.g. /ll/, /ss/, /ff/, /sh/). We have also been introduced to more 'tricky' words and are working hard to recall these when reading. 

To coincide with the Potato Olympics we have been reading 'The Potato People' by he well known children's author Pamela Allen. We have also been familiarising ourselves with books by the author Heidi McKinnon who we will be meeting during the upcoming Book Week. 

Having special interactive activities every Friday give us something exciting to write about. In week 2 we visited the resident frogs of the 3/4 space. It was a very cold day and only one frog could be seen but it was exciting to see their enclosure and the crickets that they like to munch on. We then made a small version of 'Frog in a Pond.' 


Subtraction  has been keeping us busy during our first weeks back to school. We have been playing many hands on games and using manipulatives to reinforce this concept. The Olympic Games and Potato Olympics are providing us with ample opportunities to also practise using ordinal numbers, we regularly check in on the medal tally to see how Australia is faring.


Following on from our focus on the digestive system we had a Body Investigators incursion. See below for some photos of this. 


'Ready to Learn' scales are being introduced into our Prep classrooms. These are a visual check in scale to help us understand when we are not quite ready for our learning tasks and what short activity we can do to help us. This may be a 5-finger breathing exercise or a short burst of exercise. The scales link closely with our Zones of Regulation. 



Here are some photos from our final Prep Assembly of Term 2. Congratulations to our hard working award winners.