School Council Update  

Term 3 Working Bee

Hello EPS Community,


Welcome to Term 3!


As always, thanks for visiting our page of the Newsletter and taking the time to read our update.


Firstly, thank you to the families who braved the weather and helped out at the recent Working Bee. The Working Bees are a great opportunity to meet and spend time with other members of the EPS community, and to help make our school beautiful. The students appreciate all of your efforts! Keep an eye out for the next Working Bee (and cross your fingers for better weather).


Thanks to everyone who has participated in the recent fund-raising activities. We hope you are enjoying your delicious Tony's Pies! 


All of these fund-raising efforts are paying off with $55,000 being raised so far for the playground fund to go toward new play equipment which can be installed during the upgrade of the playground surfaces! See below the proposed play eqipment  we are continuing to raise funds to replace some of our old tired equipment.


The Trivia Night is on August 17th. There's still time to get a ticket to come along


It's always a fun night and a great social activity for the adults.

We are also organising an information session with psychologist Dr Dave Collins. Event details including how to register your attendance, will be communicated soon.

Hopefully we will be organised enough to get a group photo of the School Council members at our next meeting to help you identify us at school drop off's and pick ups.


In the meantime, please feel free to contact our President, Andrew via email