General News
Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch
General News
Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch
School TV , Facebook links below
Dear Parents, Guardians and Staff,
We are so excited to announce that the time has finally come to book your tickets for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This year we are sending our tickets through Compasstix - This means there is no fee to distribute the tickets but it also means that we don't have as many options to distribute information!
When we held our Wizard of Oz performance we actually sold out of tickets and as I will be putting these links on Facebook in a few days we want to give our families the opportunity to book first, so please don't delay.
* Performing students do not need tickets to be booked for them
* Please do not order snack boxes for performing students
Students will be given supper on the night but don't be concerned if you have already purchased for them, you will be able to get a refund from the P,T&F. All you need to do is send an email to the email address on your receipt and a refund will be organised. With thanks, Kate Thompson
I have added the links for the performance tickets as well as the snack box tickets below.
Snow White Ticket Link
Snack Box Link
If you would like to order your snack boxes when you buy your tickets please note:
Thursday - Feast of the Assumption Mass - Whole School
Tuesday - Thursday AgQuip
Wednesday - Practice at the Royal Theatre 9-11am
Dental Van: The Australian dental van will visit this week. Thank you to everyone who returned their notes when they were sent out weeks ago.
Quirindi Outreach Program: This is a respite service catering to people in the community with Dementia who provide a group activity program to help participants engage and enjoy community connection. Our Y5/6 students were invited to the hall to interact and participate in games and lunch. The students and staff really enjoyed their time with the group. We would like to thank Rebecca Wills for including us in this wonderful opportunity and look forward to the next event.
Medical Information
We have had a report of whooping cough in our community which is an infectious disease. If you child is not fully vaccinated they are at greater risk of catching infectious diseases. With so many illnesses doing the rounds at the moment we ask that you please be vigilant in keeping your child at home if they are not well and if you are at all concerned, please seek medical advice. Please read the information sheet below if you at all concerned. With thanks, Kate Thompson
Mass Permissions: If you haven't already please go to Compass to give permission for your child to attend.
PT&F Raffle Ticket Questionnaire: If you haven't done so yet, please accept or decline the Raffle Ticket Questionnaire in Compass so we know if you are willing to receive raffle tickets from the PT&F.
Compass Top Tips
If you receive an SMS through Compass you can't reply to it successfully. It is a no reply system. You will think you can reply but it will not actually send.
When you order uniform items through Compass, please email to let us know, as Compass does not send a notification and orders can be easily missed.