Educational Achievement

Students and teachers have been very busy in classrooms not only practising routines, but getting stuck in to learning.
Homework for most students has started already. While every class will be a little different in terms of homework expectations, all classes will have a strong focus on reading. Library books are available for all students to borrow, providing they don’t have overdue books. Alternatively, there are lots of websites that offer free online reading books, or you could borrow books from the town library.
Typically, students will bring home books one or two levels lower than their instructional level, so students can experience success in reading at home and focus on their fluency (reading that flows) and comprehension (understanding what the text is about).
Some students will bring home books that are decodable. These are texts that can be sounded out, without having to rely on guessing, or using picture clues. These books are designed to be re-read a few times so children have lots of practise reading and decoding, sounding out only when they are stuck on a word. It is important to listen to your child read decodables so you can support them if they make mistakes and help them to sound out and blend the words. Use the bookmark inserted to support students when they get stuck.
If your child no longer requires decodable texts, they will borrow levelled texts or chapter books they have chosen. Talk to your child about these books, as the goal here is practising their fluency, developing their vocabulary and actively comprehending the texts.
Don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s teacher about how they are progressing in their reading, or what strategies you could be using at home to help them succeed!
All classes from year 1 – 6 have already completed a PLD placement test. This short test checks to see where students are at in terms of phonics and spelling, and what they need to learn in order to progress further in their reading and spelling journey. The placement test will suggest to teachers which stage students are at, and learning can be targeted and differentiated in order for everyone to continue learning and developing at an appropriate rate.
English units for Term One for all students are all about Narratives. Students will be reading narratives, exploring narrative structure to read and understand narratives, including characters, settings, complications and resolutions. Some students will spend the latter part of the term creating their own narratives, which we are looking forward to sharing with you. Watch this space!
NAPLAN testing will occur for year 3 and year 5 students at the end of this term. Students will be completing these assessments online with the exception of Year 3 writing.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, and is the only nationwide assessment that all Australian children undertake.
It’s a measure to see whether or not young Australians are developing the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning, and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community.
Students and families can access the NAPLAN public demonstration site at the web address below and see how the tests are set up and run using the online platform. There are also many practise tests for the children to try on this site.
Singing at Goondiwindi State School!
Students have been invited to come & try choir on a Tuesday and Thursday lunch time over the last couple of weeks. We've had lots of fun playing musical games and singing. We would love more students to
come along and give it a try. All welcome!
Goondiwindi Junior Voices Years 2 & 3 Tuesday lunch time.
Goondiwindi Senior Voices Years 4,5 & 6 Thursday lunch time.
Instrumental Music
Instrumental music lessons commenced last week with most students getting to take their instruments home. Concert Band (Monday 8:00am) and String Orchestra (Thursday 8:00am) rehearsals will begin in week 5. Beginners are not required to attend these rehearsals.
News from our Library
Mr Higgs is running Chess Club every Tuesday at morning tea in the Library.
Our School Readers Cup Challenge for Years 5 & 6 commenced this week in the library. Students will be reading and tested on their knowledge over the next 4 weeks to see who are our Top 5 Readers to represent our school next Term at the Regional Readers Cup in Toowoomba.
Bookfair is coming to our Library in Week 6 - we look forward to seeing all the new books that will be available to purchase.