Teaching and Learning

P-2 News from Miss Duffy
Greetings from the "little room"! We are so excited to be back and have already had a full day of learning and fun yesterday. We have a room theme this year, which is Hop on into learning in Prep, One, Two. We have our room decorated with frog themed items and even have a reading corner that is a frog pond, complete with logs to sit on whilst enjoying a good book.
A warm welcome to Elliot who has joined us in Preps this year; Elliot and her sister Stella joined us last year for some familiarisation days and both girls settled in very well to our wonderful Raywood Primary School Community.
Just to let families know that I will be the main contact teacher for the P-2 grade, taking the students for all sessions Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with Sarah working in the room for some sessions on Thursday and Friday (as well as taking the older students for specific curriculum areas). I am so excited about our year ahead and have lots of engaging, rich and fun learning opportunities planned. Please do not hesitate to make a time to come and see me if you have any questions about the classroom program or your child's learning.
Yesterday we began our Integrated Studies unit about Growth and Our Bodies by tracing around each other and then trying to place important organs and parts of our internal body systems onto the chart. After we have had many weeks of learning about our bodies, we may have to move a few organs around so they are in the correct position. Some of our kids it would seem truly do wear their hearts on their sleeve!
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
And we're back. After an extremely long break (longer for the parents), we are back in the classroom, ready to kickstart 2024. First things first... We welcome Isabell into the Senior Room. I've spent some time with her in the Junior Room and during transition but I really can't wait to see her in action as a pledged senior student. Secondly, I'm overjoyed to welcome our new staff member Sarah to our small school community. Sarah completed teaching rounds at Raywood Primary and made and enormous impression on me with her drive and infectious enthusiasm for teaching. The kids are going to LOVE her! I also look forward to the opportunity to work collaboratively with Lisa Duffy in the classroom and strive to further develop my teaching ability. And finally, my 4 girls are back and ready to move one step closer to secondary school. Give it all you've got!
MARC Library News from Mrs Gentry
MARC Library sessions do not run for the first two weeks of school to provide Mrs Gentry with the opportunity to catalogue new books, set up her year and complete all of administration tasks that come with the role.
Raywood will continue to be visited by Mrs G and the van on a fortnightly basis on Thursday mornings. Our first session will be Thursday February 22nd.
Art News from Miss Duffy
Our students will have visual arts sessions each week. This year this will be on a Tuesday afternoon. Thank you to those families who contacted me last year to offer positive comments about the art work that was displayed throughout the school, showcased in our newsletter and Facebook and sent home at the end of the year. It was especially lovely to receive messages at the end of the year regarding the art folios that were sent home. The school is looking rather bare at the moment and I can't wait to begin displaying the student art works again. The photos above and below are some of the incredible work our talented students created in 2023.