John XXIII Rowing Club 

Dear Families

Well done to our Years 9 to12 girls rowing squad that began training this week on both land and water. It was fantastic to see our senior rowers assisting the Year 9’s at the start of their first racing season.

2024 Rowing Club Registrations are now open for Years 9 to12

It's time to get ready to row! The John XXIII Rowing Club welcomes existing and new members for our 2024 season. Registrations are now open and will close on Friday 16 February. Please complete the online Registration Form by clicking on the link below.

Those who have not rowed before or would like to be a coxswain and represent the school are encouraged to join.

Training Schedule

Please note all training will run as scheduled below:

 Land training startWater training start
GirlsMonday 5 FebruaryTuesday 6 February

Tuesday 20 February (Y10-12)

Thursday 22 February (Y9)

Monday 19 February

2024 (Term 1) Rowing Training Schedule 

 MondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday

Boys Y9-12

Girls Y9-12

Boys Y9-12

Girls Y9-12

Alternate + Seniors


6:00-8am (Land)


Boys Y10-12    6-8am (Diamond & Erg)

Girls Y10-12    6-8am (Diamond & Erg)





Girls Y9-12



Boys Y9-12




 *Senior refers to Years 11 and 12


2024 (Term 2) Rowing Training Schedule 

 MondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday

Girls Y9-12

Boys Y9-12

Girls Y9-12

Boys Y9-12

Alternate + Seniors


6:00-8am (Land)


Girls Y10-12    6-8am (Diamond & Erg)

Boys Y10-12    6-8am (Diamond & Erg)





Boys Y9-12



Girls Y9-12





  • Pick up: 5:05am at JTC Bus shelter
  • Return: 7:30am from Boatshed

Key Rowing Events 2024

Date  DayRegattaVenueGender

16 March


South West Head of the RiverBunburyBoys/Girls

3-6 April

Wednesday to Saturday

Combined Y9-12 Training Camp (no overnight)JTCBoys/Girls

27 April


IGSSA 1 - MLCChampion LakesGirls

11 May


IGSSA 2 – JTCChampion LakesGirls

25 May


IGSSA 3 - PENChampion LakesGirls

26 May


All Schools 1Champion LakesBoys

8 June


IGSSA 4 - PLCChampion LakesGirls

15 June


All Schools 2Champion LakesBoys

22 June


IGSSA Head of the River - PCChampion LakesGirls

20 July


RWA Pennant Regatta 1Champion LakesBoys

27 July


All Schools 3Champion LakesBoys

10 August


All Schools ChampionshipChampion LakesBoys/Girls

7 September


House RegattaCanning BridgeBoys/Girls

7 September


Presentation NightTMECBoys/Girls

*Please note: the girls will compete in only the IGSSA season, except for those invited to join the All Schools Championship campaign. 


2024 will see this as a Saturday Regatta, and more information will be distributed in the next fortnight.

Proposed Camp Dates 

This year we will be holding a combined Years 9 to 12 Rowing camp from 3 to 6 April, Please note, this camp will be an additional cost and will be added to the Rowing fees. Details of the Camp and costs will be communicated closer to the date.

Stack Team App

Please download the ‘Stack Team App’ on your phone as this is the central place for training schedules, training updates, and access to the rowing handbook to name a few. It is important that all rowers and parents have access.

To get this app go to the App Store or Google Play and download Stack Team App onto your mobile device, then follow these simple steps:

  1.  Sign-up to Stack Team App. You’ll be sent an email to confirm your registration.
  2.  Log-in and search for JTCRC, then request to become a member.

Asthma and Allergies

A reminder that all rowers with asthma or allergies are required to bring their asthma puffers, EpiPens, or required medication to all sessions.


Jerram Gibson

John XXIII Rowing Coordinator