
Dear Families 

There is always anticipation in the air at the beginning of a new school year, making it the ideal time to harness the promise of new beginnings and opportunities to chart a course for the year ahead.  The practice of goal setting is a vital tool in this journey, serving as a compass to guide our steps through the year that unfolds in what often feels like a very short space of time. 


Goal setting is more than a ritualistic start-of-year activity; it is the foundation upon which we can build a year of growth, learning and accomplishment. It allows us to channel our energies, focus our efforts, and measure our progress. By setting clear, achievable goals, students pave a path toward realising their potential, both academically and personally. 


In the coming weeks, students across all year groups will engage in goal-setting activities to identify what success looks like for them in 2024, and consider strategies that will help them work towards their personal best.  Articulating clear and achievable goals isn’t easy and takes practice; students will benefit from regular conversations at home to help them remain engaged with their goals and track progress. The following strategies for effective goal setting might help:  

Be Specific General goals are less likely to be achieved. Help students articulate their goals with clarity—what exactly do they want to accomplish, and by when? 
Make it MeasurableGet students to assign metrics to their goals. Whether it's improving their grades by a certain percentage or reading a set number of books, measurable goals help them track their progress. 
Achievability is KeyHelp students set goals that are challenging yet attainable. Unrealistic goals can lead to disappointment and demotivation. 
Relevance MattersIf goals align with a student’s values and long-term objectives, they will resonate more deeply and inspire greater commitment. 
Time-Bound TargetsGet them to establish deadlines to create a sense of urgency and prompt action. 

Goal setting is intrinsically linked to a growth mindset—the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort, learning, and persistence. By setting goals, we commit to the process of self-improvement and learning, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.  


Achieving our goals often requires support, encouragement, and collaboration. As we navigate the new year, let us support our students’ approach goal setting not as a one-time event, but as a continuous practice—a dynamic process of reflection, adjustment, and persistence. Let's celebrate each milestone, learn from every setback, and remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence and personal growth. 


In embracing the power of goal setting, we not only chart a course for a successful year but also lay the groundwork for a fulfilling and purpose-driven life. As we are reminded in scripture, Christ has come so we may have life to the full (John 10:10). Here's to a year of setting goals, breaking barriers, and achieving greatness together.  

Term 1- Key Dates 

Monday 12 February Interhouse Swimming Carnival – HBF Stadium 
Tuesday 13 February Secondary Parent Information Evening, 5:30pm – 8:30pm 
Friday 16 February Year 7 Parent Welcome Sundowner, 6:30pm – 8:30pm 
Monday 4 March Labour Day Public Holiday 
Monday 18 March Parent Teacher Student Interviews, 8:30am  - 6:00pm 
Thursday 28 March Term 1 concludes, 3:10pm 


Shani Andrews

Vice Principal - Head of Secondary






Parent Information Evening: Tuesday 13 February, 5:30pm – 8:30pm 

All Secondary parents, guardians and caregivers are welcome to attend this year’s Parent Information Evening. The event will start at 5:30pm with a welcome and presentation from College Principal, Daniel Mahon. Following this, there will be a diverse selection of information sessions and guest speakers that parents will be able to book individually based on their interests and the age of their child. Assistant Deputy Principals from Years 7 to 12 will be presenting information relevant to their year group. Sessions can be booked via 


This year, parents will have the opportunity to pre-order a sausage sizzle from 5:15pm onwards in the Chisholm Pavilion. Proceeds will support the fundraising efforts for this year’s Pilgrimage in July. 


The evening’s program can be found here: 

Dungeons and Dragons Club

On Wednesday 7 February, a meeting was held for students interested in playing, and DMing, Dungeons and Dragons after school in the College Library. We had 24 students attend and we have organised for four campaigns to run.


Alex Roberts (Year 10), Ben Engelbrecht (Year 9), James Sommerfield (Year 8) and Mr Connellan will all be Dungeon Masters this year. The various DMs will arrange with their students when their campaigns will run and how character formation will take place.

If any student was unable to make the meeting but would still like to participate in D&D this year, then please contact Mr Connellan via email at


Damien Connellan

D&D Club Coordinator

Accolades for the short film ‘A Quiet Embrace’ by Caelan Morris

We've just received word that Caelan Morris' (Class 2023) short film from last year, A Quiet Embrace, has been selected to be showcased at this year's Media Perspectives screening on Wednesday 6 March! Eligible films had to have scored 80% or above by SCSA, and then be chosen by a panel of judges. Out of 51 schools and 424 MPA students last year, to be included in the 20 or so films shown on the night is a wonderful honour.


Watch the film here: Best Australian Short Film competition shortlist: A Quiet Embrace | PerthNow


Caelan has also made the top 30 vying for the $30,000 Best Australian Short Film prize, as well as being in the running for a $5,000 People’s Choice prize, $5,000 Best Youth Film prize, and a part-scholarship at SAE. You can vote for the People's Choice prize by clicking the link below and filling out the form:

The Best Australian Short Film Competition: Watch and vote for your favourite short film to win $1000 | PerthNow 


Rob Di Giallonardo

Media Teacher  



Interhouse Swimming

Our 2024 Sr Mary Murray Cup Swimming Carnival will take place on Monday, 12 February in the indoor pool at HBF Stadium. Parents and families are welcome to attend as spectators. 

  • The carnival is a compulsory school day and all students should be in attendance.
  • Students are to make their own way to the carnival, entering through the McGillivray Oval gate. Students may arrive as early as 8:00am. All must be in attendance by 8:20am.
  • Students must make their way to House areas and be seated ready for roll call with their Homeroom teacher at 8:30am.
  • Students should wear House shirt with PE uniform.
  • Students must wear only College bathers/quick dry shorts and House swimming caps during competitive swimming events. Students who are incorrectly dressed will not be allowed to race.
  • Dressing up is not appropriate at this event. Students may wear House coloured zinc.
  • Students will need to provide their own food/drinks for the day. There is NO KIOSK available for students.
  • Students unable to participate should bring a note and inform their House Coordinator and ADP. Assistance with catering and marshalling will be required during the day.
  • Students are responsible for finding their own transport home. Pick-up is to be made from the back of HBF stadium.

The carnival format is as follows:

8:30am - 9:00am     Opening Ceremony
9:00am - 11:30amSwimming Events (Years 7-9)
11:40am – 2:00pmSwimming Events (Years 10-12)
2:00pm - 2:45pm4x50m relays
2:45pmClosing ceremony

Novelties schedule

TimeDive PoolWater Polo PoolCheering
10:30am -11:00amYear 10Year 12Year 11
11:00am -11:30amYear 11Year 10Year 12
11:30am -12:00pmYear 12Year 11Year 10
12:00pm -12:30pmYear 7Year 8Year 9
12:30pm -1:00pmYear 9Year 7Year 8
1:00pm -1:30pmYear 8Year 9Year 7

Swimming Training 

A reminder that there is no swimming training this coming Monday. Our swimming training sessions will continue in the College pool from Wednesday. Training takes place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:00am-8:00am in the lead up to the ACC A-Division Swimming Carnival.


All students are welcome at our morning training sessions, whether they aim for fitness or to make our interschool team. 

Years 7/8 NAS Sport 

Well done to all students who attended our NAS trials this week. We had record numbers down for trials, and it was so wonderful to see all the energy and enthusiasm. All teams will be posted on the College notices on Monday. All students in Year 7 and 8 are to look for their names. If their name is missing or doubled up, please email Miss Pillera and Mr Kowal ASAP. 


All training will take place at the College, with all students meeting in the Pavilion before training. All students must commit to their team training, including those students participating in the Grass Court Volleyball. This gives all teams a chance to build team cohesion before the carnival on 27 February. 


Training afternoons 3:30-4:30pm: 

  • Tuesday 13 February – Years 7/8
  • Thursday 15 February  – Years 7/8
  • Tuesday 20 February  – Years 7/8
  • Thursday 22 February  – Year 8 (Year 7 on camp)

A big thank you to all staff who are taking on NAS teams for their skills and expertise in their chosen sports. Please see the teams and their coaches below. 

Years 7/8 SummerCoach
7 Boys Beach VolleyballJosh Bowen
7 Girls Beach Volleyball                                        Katie Woods
7 Girls Ultimate FrisbeeJaneen Murphy
7 Boys Ultimate FrisbeeMindy Toleman
7 Boys Basketball  ABrett Roberts
7 Boys Basketball BBrett  Roberts
7 Girls Basketball AClare Galati
7 Girls Basketball BAngie Bollam
7/8   AFLWCat Roberts
7 Indoor CricketChris Morris
8 Boys Basketball AConor O'Hara
8 Boys Basketball BNathan Munns
8 Girls Basketball ASean Oorloff
8 Girls Basketball BCarla Tripi
8 Indoor CricketErin Basile
8 Boys Ultimate FrisbeeJoel Wynn
8 Girls Ultimate FrisbeeLana Turner
8 Girls Beach VolleyballElla Brindley
8 Boys Beach VolleyballAdrian Sims

Years 8/9 Rugby 7’s 

Students who have registered their interest in the upcoming Years 8/9 Rugby 7’s Tournament will have two compulsory training sessions before the carnival on 20 February. Students must have boots and a mouthguard. 


Trainings 7:00am-8.00am

  • Friday 16 February
  • Monday 19 February

Rowing Registrations are now open: Years 9 to 12

It's time to get ready to row! The John XXIII Rowing Club welcomes existing and new members for our 2024 season. Registrations are now open and will close on Friday 16 February. Please complete the online Registration Form:2024 Registration Form. Those who have not rowed before or would like to be a coxswain and represent the school are encouraged to register.


Jessica Pillera

Head of Sport