School Highlights

International Women's Day

In honour of International Women's Day, we were fortunate to have Kilvonian Carla Purcell, current CEO of Yarra Trams, come and address our students, staff and special guests. 


She shared her experiences of navigating inequality in the workplace, as well as the strives Yarra Trams is taking to tackle such an important issue. 


Carla's achievements make her a true role model for students, regardless of gender. Thank you Carla for your time and effort this morning - we all got a lot out of your talk! 

Junior School Incursion - Sticks and Stones

Karen Chandler, Deputy Head of Junior School


Our Prep to Year 6 students were fortunate to have the talented and highly creative team from Brainstorm Productions visit us this week. 

Brainstorm Productions are endorsed by the Australian eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider. They came to School to share their social learning performance 'Sticks and Stones' with us.  

'Sticks and Stones' is a fun and inclusive student wellbeing program for primary schools that reinforces positive relationships and supports students to build confidence and social and emotional skills. 


Our students had a great time during the engaging performances, and have now added to their 'toolkit' of wellbeing strategies, particularly in the areas of cooperation, self-regulation and respect.

Science Club 2024

Louise Macfarlane, Academic Dean of Science


We've started using The HIVE for our after-school Science Club activities, and students have been thoroughly enjoying our brand new laboratories.

Lately, the Years 5 and 6 students have been engaging in experiments under the guidance of our fabulous Science Leaders, who have come up with a range of new experiments for us to explore. 

Through experimenting with methane bubbles and the woosh bottle, students have learnt more about laboratory safety. They have also explored renewable energy by building a wind turbine. 


At our upcoming Science Club session, students will explore weather through a cloud simulation and then do cloud modelling. What fun! 

Year 10 RISE Leadership Day 

Last week, we continued our Character Program initiatives with the Year 10 RISE Leadership Day. Throughout the day, students participated in sessions that aimed to teach them how to realise their potential, be their best self, rise to empower others and rise to lead.

As part of the initiative, we partnered with Flying Fox, a youth-led organisation that provides fun and social opportunities and camps for young people with disability. Well done Year 10s!

VCE Unit 3 Art Making and Exhibiting

John Knap, Art Teacher

Recently, all of the VCE Unit 3 Art Making and Exhibiting students had the opportunity to attend Art Education Victoria's (AEV) Kickstart seminar at the NGV Ian Potter Centre, Federation Square. 

Among the presenters was Georgia Volakakis, a Kilvington alumna from the Class of 2023. Her insights and strategies for navigating their journey through Units 3 and 4 Art Making and Exhibiting were particularly valuable, making her presentation the highlight of the seminar. Our students found great inspiration in the advice she shared.