Around the School

I have so enjoyed the start to the school year. The Junior School students have been an absolute delight. The happy and tired (and very cute!) new Prep students are settling in really well. I really love working with our Junior School teachers and staff as they are a really fun and kind team. They are going above and beyond to ensure the best start to the year for the students. Parents and friends have been so encouraging and friendly. Thank you for your fantastic communication as we partner together to provide wonderful learning opportunities and experiences for all students at King’s College.
Alex Burgess
Head of Junior School
The Preps have had an excellent first week of school! Here were some of their responses when asked what they like the most about school so far:
Aishani - "The park (playground)"
Zeke - "Playing"
Miriam - "I liked playing queens the most I think, and the monkey bars"
Ruby - "Everything"
Kian - "Playing with my brother and Ollie"
Sorcha - "Playing queens"
Eden Romero
Prep Teacher
Year 1
Our Year 1 students have quickly settled into their new classroom, routines and activities; proving they are ready for new challenges this year! The past number of days have been spent getting to know each other, establishing routines and completing some assessment tasks in preparation for our reading and spelling programs. It was wonderful to see so many of our parents attend the information session in preparation for the year. Thank you. We are so excited for the year ahead.
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
It has been an amazing start to the 2024 school year! All of the Year 2's have settled in so beautifully to new routines and their new classroom. It has been so wonderful to hear about the exciting holidays that the Year 2's had. They have done some great writing, telling me all about their summer holiday adventures.
Across the past week, during Science, we have begun exploring living things such as how things grow and change. Students are observing how mealworms grow and change across the term and will be conducting experiments and collecting data as the term progresses.
In Humanities, we have pondered what connections there are to different places and how we might be connected to a place. The Year 2's explored what 'connected' means through a game where they each held another person's hand across a circle then had to untangle themselves.
Our big idea in Christian Studies this term is that 'Jesus is God's powerful Son who fulfils God's promises'. In our first Christian Studies lesson, we learnt about how God always keeps His promises. We heard about the different promises that God has made and has kept, and everyone made a big smiley face with their pipe cleaners at the end of the lesson to show how happy we are that God always keeps His promises.
Thank you to all of the parents who were able to make it to the Information Evening, it was so lovely to meet some of you. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you more as the year goes on!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
What a wonderful first week in Year 3! We have been really busy setting up our routines and getting ready for the year ahead. Year 3 has been learning a lot about our brains and how to ensure we are switched on for learning and also how to regulate our emotions with the help of tools and each other.
Each of us need different things to calm ourselves and regulate our brains, so we have chosen tools that will help us individually. We are doing Brain Gym each morning to help us get ready for learning and have made an emotional first aid kit to access if we need to throughout the day.
We are learning to change our language to a Growth Mindset, rather than a Fixed Mindset and understanding that mistakes are okay and an excellent way to strengthen our brains. Here are some pictures of some of our Emotional First Aid Kits!
And here is a photo of all the wonderful kids in Year 3!
Ang Hales
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
Year 4 are counting down the sleeps until their first Swimming Carnival. In preparation, students went for a swim at Aquazone to determine which events they will compete in and had a wonderful time getting to know Emily, our new classmate while playing games in the pool.
Some of the Year 4 bus travellers are attempting to break the World Record for the longest Loom Band which currently stands at 12,529.4m. The loom band is able to wrap around the College bus one and a half times after three bus trips. Well done to the Year 4 students involved, we look forward to seeing how long you can make it.
Christie Stephen
Year 4 Teacher
Year 5
Year 5 have made a wonderful start to the year. Our four new students have settled in beautifully and the whole grade have been working really hard and enjoying each other’s company again. We have particularly enjoyed our hands on maths program and exploring place value beyond thousands.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Year 6
Year 6 have settled in really well. On our first day, we had a tour of the school learning where the classrooms are for our new classes. We have particularly enjoyed learning about Design Technology. Half the class are cooking and half the class are doing woodwork.
We've loved learning about Mrs Robertson's reward system of stamps in our diary that earn us picks from the Rose Tin and the Tool box, and we really look forward to spending them each Friday.
We have learnt how to do the new jobs and responsibilities that Year 6 have. Some are done weekly like writing up the Weekly Calendar and others are done daily like collecting Compost and Recycling or the Daily Timetable.
One new treat that we are really enjoying as Year 6 students is sitting in the Cloudsac. Each day 2 people are rostered to sit on it and we love it when it's our turn. So far, Year 6 has been great.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher
Food Tech
During our first Food Tech class, the students learnt what cooking equipment is in the Food Tech room. The students were reminded to bring a container every Wednesday to take any food they have cooked home to share with family. They made mixed berry and yoghurt sundaes during class. They tasted great and looked amazing too!
Anna Chen
Junior School Teacher
Gideon Program
We have finally begun! This week we commenced our Senior Primary (Years 4, 5 & 6) Gideon Program. Our program operates for the first three periods of each day with an intense student centered focus on literacy and numeracy. With the guidance and support from our Head of Learning Mrs Carin Wills, we use a variety of platforms including PLD Spelling and Top 10 maths. This week we have been gathering as much information as we can to guide our planning for each individual student. It has been wonderful getting to know new students and connecting with returning students. We look forward to a wonderful season of learning, engagement and support for the bright future ahead!
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established - Proverbs 16:3
Steve Griffin & Steph Kosh
Assistant Head of Junior School | Junior School Gideon Teacher
Year 7 Food Tech
Year 7 enjoyed their first food tech lesson. We created a vegetable plate with Tzatziki, which was then enjoyed outside.
Ally Robinson
Senior School Teacher