Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
Take home books have started to go home this week and will be exchanged every Monday. Please ensure your child brings their take home bag with them to school on this day.
Learning in Action
In Reading, students have referred to the Narrative Hill to identify the five key elements of a narrative within picture story books. Students had a strong focus on the orientation in which they had to identify how the characters and settings were connected. Students became familiar with key strategies to assist in building their individual goals.
Preview for Learning:
Next week students will continue identifying the different elements within a narrative while diving into the role of a narrator. They will also continue to apply multiple accuracy strategies, to develop their individual goals.
In Writing, students have transferred their knowledge of the Narrative Hill and created a shared story plan with their class. Students have been learning how to structure a sentence by revisiting the sentence science cards to distinguish the subject, verb and adjective. We have begun handwriting using the Peggy Logo program focusing on 'Tall Man' letters which include t, l, k, h, b, d, and f. The students have been loving this program as it involves movement and rhymes to remember each pattern.
Preview for Learning:
Next week students will be consolidating their knowledge of sentence structure to edit sentences with a focus on full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capitals for proper nouns.
In Maths, students have begun identifying patterns through skip counting. Students have used a variety of materials to assist them when skip counting by 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s. Students have used MAB when making and representing 2 and 3-digit numbers identifying how many ones, tens, and hundreds are in a number. Students had to find an object that was lighter and longer than a drink bottle, fostering many mathematical conversations.
We have also started testing Maths Masters which the students have loved as it holds them accountable, all whilst practising a goal tailored to their individual needs!
Preview for Learning:
Next fortnight, students will continue consolidating their learning of mass and length through investigation. Students will also explore the big idea of 'a group of these, is the same as one of those' such as, 10 tens is the same as 100.
This past fortnight students have looked at, 'How do rules in our community keep us safe?'. Students have been exposed to different community rules that we have such as putting seatbelts on, only crossing when there is a green man, keeping dogs on a leash, and no littering. In groups, they collaborated and explained their specific rule and how it keeps them safe.
Preview for Learning:
Next week students will be learning how to respond with honesty, kindness, and fairness when rules are broken.
This fortnight students have focused on identifying feelings which has allowed them to recognise and embrace both positive & negative feelings. Students developed strategies for making new friends, including how to introduce themselves and ask a friend to play.
Preview for Learning:
Students will learn what respect looks and sounds like in their friendships, along with identifying the difference between healthy & unhealthy friendships.
Other Information
Homework expectations as listed below;
Reading: Take home books weekly
Maths: Mathletics/Mathseeds
Please note you will receive your child's login details on Monday so you can begin practising with your child at home.
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers