Grade 1 News

Important Reminders
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
School Photos
School photos for Prep- Grade 4 is on Monday 26th of February. Please ensure your students are in the correct school uniform.
Sun Smart
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Grade 1 students go to the library every Thursday. We ask that students have a library bag so they can borrow books to read at home.
Learning in Action
Learning in Action: This past fortnight in our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program, Grade 1 students have begun exploring the concept of ‘Help Seeking’. By participating in activities that involve solving interpersonal problems, identifying ways to care for others and most importantly, the importance of seeking help when dealing with problems that are too BIG to solve alone. Which have linked wonderfully to our Friendology tasks too.
Preview for learning: In the upcoming fortnight we look forward to identifying more help-seeking behaviours that are fundamental to our mental health and wellbeing and applying these strategies to our day to day experiences.
Learning in Action: This fortnight students in Grade 1 have been learning how to decode words when reading. Students have looked at the strategy ‘looking for parts I know’ to support them when reading independently. Students have also started looking at narrative texts and learning about their structure, to support the students as Readers and Writers. While looking at narratives, we have had a focus on brainstorming problems and solutions that we can use in our own writing.
Preview for Learning: Students in grade 1 will continue looking at decoding words, this time with a focus on ‘stretching out syllables’. Students will also learn about adjectives and explore where an adjective can go in their sentence to make their writing more interesting. Students will use storybooks, pictures, and their own photos as inspiration for coming up with their own adjectives.
Learning in Action:
This fortnight, grade one students learnt how to make and represent numbers on a place value chart. Students made 2 digit numbers out of classroom materials focusing on making bundles of ten and counting numbers in an ‘efficient’ way. We also continued learning about length and students measured objects around the classroom and their classmates' heights with different resources. Students then compared their heights with book characters and drew objects that are taller/shorter than them.
Preview for Learning: In the coming weeks, grade one students will continue to learn about making and representing numbers with a focus on counting collections in different ways for different purposes. We will also begin learning about the position of a digit in a number and begin learning about data representation.
Learning in Action: This fortnight we have been exploring the idea of rules with the students; both at home and at school. It has been interesting to hear from students what they understand about rules, why we have them and what life would be like without them. Parents, you will be pleased to hear that your children do not like the idea of life without rules! They have imagined it would be “chaotic”, “scary” and “confusing”. We have also explored how rules might not always be the same, depending on the different contexts and situations.
Preview for Learning: Next week we will look at why, in some situations, people might break rules. We will discuss this through a lens of how to respond in this situations with honesty and fairness.
REMINDER: Research project in your child’s classroom – seeking your consent
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Our Prep - year 2 teachers will be engaged in professional learning over the next two years with Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) and the La Trobe University’s Science of Language and Reading Lab (SOLAR Lab). The focus is on professional learning for our early years (Prep – Year 2) teachers. To assess the effectiveness of this professional learning, we will monitor student progress in literacy and would like to share this data for analysis with the research team. If you consent for us to share your child’s de-identified reading assessment data with AERO and the La Trobe University’s Science of Language and Reading Lab (SOLAR Lab), please complete the consent form link here: Please note, you can consent for multiple children on the same form.
If you have already consented for your child/children and in the future you decide to withdraw, then complete the withdrawal form link here:
Kind regards
Kristine Roose
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Grade 1 award winners.
Grade 1 |
1i - Amalee V & Archer A |
1A - Alisa G & Xavier M |
1PR - Olivia B & Zach E |
Other Information
Mathematics Hub Information
Dr Justin Coulson - Breaking Point Information
From the Grade 1 teachers,
Caillin Ibbotson, Isabella Albanese, Kayla Pepper & Rachel Ryan