Parent Engagement

Please try to come to the Wednesday School Mass which will be celebrated at the Church at 10 am on Wednesday 14th February. This year St Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday fall on the same day - what better way to remember how loved we all are by God and others!  


For Christians everywhere Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting because we start the 40 day wait for Easter and remember the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert praying and preparing for his ultimate death. For a brief introduction into what it is all about why not watch this video?  

Ash Wednesday & Lent In Two Minutes - Busted Halo


Thank you to all those who came to our first Coffee Connect!! It was a great way to connect in an intimate setting and settle the new parents' nerves! 












Our first Parish Children's Mass is on this Sunday at 10.15 am. This is for all the years in the school to attend and there will be morning tea afterwards. It would be most appreciated if you could bring something to share at the morning tea (bought or home baked is fine!)


If you have Year 5/6 children and teenagers remember that the Youth Mass this year will be celebrated every Sunday at 6 pm . Every third Sunday Mass will be followed by pizza. It's a great way to stay connected to the Holy Family community and give time to God with the family all in one place!



"Where one or two are gathered in my name, there I am." Matthew 18:20 


Anne Gray

Parent & Faith Engagement Coordinator

(Wednesday afternoon and Thursdays.)