Religious Education Coordinator



Next Wednesday, 14 February is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lenten season in our Catholic tradition. 


We will be gathering as a whole school community in the Church for Mass at 10:00am. You are most welcome to join us in prayer. 



What is Rice Day at Holy Family?


Next Wednesday, 14 February we are inviting our students to “walk in the shoes” of those less fortunate than ourselves by giving up their lunch for a day by having a bowl of rice to eat instead. 


According to UNICEF, there are currently about 1 billion children around the world who don’t have enough food to eat. Sadly, many children survive with less than a cup of rice each day. 


The World Health Organisation has set targets for reducing world hunger and poverty, but what can we do here at Holy Family? We can encourage our children to participate in Rice Day at Holy Family to raise awareness of this situation.  


How can your child participate?

Please have a discussion with your child about Rice Day and ask them to:

1. Leave their lunch at home (bring in snack only next Wednesday).

2. Stand in the queue at the Canteen for their rice at lunchtime.

3. Bring in a donation equal to the price of their lunch (approximately $5.00). 


All proceeds will go to the Caritas Project Compassion Lenten Appeal.


Thank you in anticipation for supporting us to build the Kingdom of God at Holy Family.


Kind regards


Liana Stella

Religious Education Co-Ordinator