Seniors are Leaders

Seniors are Leaders!    by Yoanna & Olivia


On Thursday, Senior School were lucky enough to have the privilege of a Leadership Day! 

Leadership is a journey, not a race.  And we rise by lifting others.


In the morning we headed to the hall, and were greeted by Cameron Brown - the absolute expert of Leadership!

We started the morning with a team activity.

We separated into groups of 8 or 9. We were working with people that we don’t usually interact with. Cameron gave us each some rope connected to a metal ring. Our task was to, using the end of the rope, slide the ring onto a pole, either using a ball, one leg or eyes shut. 


Fun is in the sharing.


As the day continued, we played different games to review and learn our leadership skills. 

If Leadership was a shape, it would be a pizza, because we can all laugh, share and eat together. Cameron had told us to share different ideas of what leadership meant to us. Everyone had different opinions, but no one was ever wrong or correct, because 


Leadership can be anything.

Powered by you.


The Leader in Me teaches us to express ourselves through leadership and teamwork, which linked perfectly with our final activity. We found all the different words that we felt were suitable for leadership. We were all different, but different ideas and opinions show how unique we all are.


     We walk shoulder to shoulder.

     Leadership is a journey, not a race.

     Leaders build leaders.

     Action changes things

     Leaders don’t follow, leaders lead on what they care about.


 Senior School rise by lifting others!