Student Wellbeing

Throughout 2024 in the wellbeing space, our school has focused on the following key areas:
- Building teacher capability to activate student voice and agency within the classroom
- Reducing the % of students with 20+ days absence from 39% in 2019 to 25% in 2024.
- Embedding a whole-school approach to the development of the social and emotional wellbeing of students
- Developing and implementing strategies that involve parents and carers as partners in their child’s learning
We are proud of the progress and achievements we have made, and we look forward to continuing this amazing work throughout 2024!
Welcome to Wellbeing Tegan and Kimmie
Tegan Van Schaik and Kimmie Lucas are the new faces in the Student Wellbeing space this term. Tegan has stepped into what was Anthea's previous role of Student Wellbeing Leader for this year while Kimmie has stepped into Nicole Cavallaro's role for Term 1 while Nicole takes some well earned long service leave.
The Wellbeing Space has also had a makeover with the allocation of two offices in the Admin area. This will help with everyone's wellbeing!
Kimmie who was previously a classroom education support staff member in the classroom will now be located in the office. She will be likely the first person your child will see when they are in need of a chat. You'll see Kimmie checking with students, supporting their reengagement and just being around to say a hello and point everyone in the right direction. Please note that Kimmie's role is mainly directed at supporting our students.
Tegan's role will be dedicated to the further development of the Mental Health in Primary Schools program while overseeing the wellbeing programs delivered by our ES staff, our occupational therapist, future speech therapist and any referrals for assessments or outside agencies that may need to be accessed.
Anna Nunan will continue to be our school occupational therapist for a day and a half per week and we look forward to appointing a speech therapist sometime this term.
Kristy Beaumont is continuing her role as the Anglicare Early Help practitioner while being onsite a day a week. Her contact details are listed below and anyone can self refer or you can request the school to do a referral for you.
Anthea has a day a week dedicated to Disability Inclusion work preparing Disability Inclusion Profiles and working alongside families and key school staff seeking additional support for the eligible students. Anthea will also be teaching STEM 2 days a week.
While there have been a number of changes, the support for your child and your family remains the same, striving to seek the best outcomes for all students in our care.
Things to consider for Happier Children
While this was included in the newsletter towards the end of last year, it is still very pertinent and is a great reminder for parents when getting organised for the beginning of the school year. Establish strong nightly and morning routines, provide a healthy balanced diet, regularly spend important family time together and provide regular exercise opportunities. These practices all contribute to happy, healthy students who are in the best framework to optimise their learning at school.
Here is a snippet from the Institute of Child Psychology reminding us of the importance of these activities in our child's life and how they can actively contribute to healthier and happier children.
And when it all gets too much, a phone call is all it takes to get some advice and support from the organisation listed below.
Community Supports for our Parents
Taking a moment to offload, let go and be heard
Just having a chance to offload and let go of what is currently overwhelming us. Parentline is one of those supports. Connecting you with trained counsellors for a completely confidential conversation. Available 8am-Midnight 7 days a week.
Definitely a number worth keeping on the fridge!
Playgroup Update
Playgroup has been a highlight of our year with many families attending each fortnight. Children attending are aged anywhere from 3 months to 5 years. We are inclusive of all children and their families. Our facilitator Kristy Beaumont from Anglicare will be in touch in the new year with the new schedule including days and times so look out for this information on the Echuca Twin Rivers Primary School facebook page, as well as the Echuca Moama Community facebook page. We look forward to welcoming you in 2024!
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club continues to run every morning at the Centre from 8.35am to 8.50am. We are so grateful to Foodbank Vic and Moama Bakery who generously provide food items for our students to enjoy.
Anglicare Early Help Services at ETRS