


A big welcome back from holidays to you all. Pan Lao Shi and Wang Lao Shi have loved being back with you all, seeing new and old faces alike. This week we have introduced Chinese New Year celebrations across the school. 


Students in years Foundation to Two have decorated their 中文本子(Chinese Books) with a Chinese Dragon to celebrate the year of the dragon and have also listened to bilingual stories about Chinese New Year. In Years Three to Six students have used their prior knowledge of Chinese New Year Celebrations to design and decorate their own 中文本子(Chinese Books) front covers. 


We have also begun Chinese Character and Word Study this week and have been so impressed with how much prior knowledge students have brought in with them.


We can’t wait to see how Chinese language takes off around ENPS this year! 



王老师 和 潘老师


Morgan King (Wang Lao Shi) and Pamlea Pan (Pan Lao Shi)

Mandarin Teachers

Morgan King (Wang Laoshi), Mandarin Teacher
Morgan King (Wang Laoshi), Mandarin Teacher