Annual Media and Local Walk Consent

Have you completed your child's Annual Media and Local Walk Consent Forms?


We still have a large number of students without internal media, external media or local walking consent for 2024. 


As reminder to parents and carers, if you have not completed our 2024 annual internal media, external media or local walk consent forms for your child/ren on Compass, their image cannot be shown:

  • within the school community (internal, including learning apps), or
  • outside the school community (external, including this school newsletter), or
  • local walking excursions will not be permitted.

Please refer to our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy and Camps and Excursions (including local excursions) Policy for specific details. Intructions for completion are attached below.

School Website Upgrade

PLEASE NOTE that in Week Six of Term One, as part of our upcoming school website upgrade, Throwstone Studios will be attending our school to photograph and video our school grounds, students and staff. If you wish for your child/ren to take part in the footage that may appear on our website, External Media Permission must be provided.


Please note as the one of the purposes of the newsletter is to celebrate successes and acknowledge achievements at ENPS, students' first names and work samples may be published throughout this newsletter. No surnames will be shown.


We thank you for you cooperation to ensure your preferences are actioned for this year. If you have any queries, please contact the office.