
Reminder - Footwear for PE Classes
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This is a friendly reminder that students should be wearing appropriate footwear to PE classes. Students should be wearing sports runners with adequate grip on the bottom of their shoes. PE classes are completed on a wide range of surfaces including, but not limited to, gym floor, asphalt and grass, also in a variety of weather conditions.
Shoes should be worn that allow students to participate safely across all terrain. PE staff make decisions on a daily basis, whether it is safe to complete classes, students need to wear shoes that are appropriate for all scenarios.
If shoes are deemed inappropriate, students may be unable to participate. Students should not be wearing street or lifestyle runners to class as these shoes do not provide adequate grip and support.
Please see below images for shoes that are appropriate for PE classes and those that are not appropriate for PE classes.
Kind regards,
Meg Wrench Joseph