Learning Across the ELC

Celebrating Lunar New Year in Wattle

In week 1 of the term, we celebrated Lunar new year. Wattle children enthusiastically participated in hands-on experience such as firecracker and lantern making.   


We set up a firecracker station where children used red paper and yellow ribbons to create firecracker, symbolising good luck and prosperity in the new year. Under Tiffany’s guidance, the children excitedly got busy rolling up red paper and attempted to connect the edges with sticky tape. After that, the children were invited to wrap both sides of a firecracker with yellow ribbons. Through this experience, the children not only learnt about cultural significance of firecrackers but also developed their fine motor skills.   

We also set up a lantern-making station, as hanging lanterns during the Spring Festival is a significant tradition in Asian culture. The red lanterns symbolize good luck and happiness. A group of children eagerly participated, decorating their own lanterns with colorful designs. As they worked, they engaged in discussions about culture, showcasing both their creativity and fine motor skills. Through these sustained conversations, they were encouraged to explore different identities and cultures in a meaningful way. 


Outcome 2: children are connected with and contribute to their world . Children respond to diversity with respect. 


The Wattle Team

Learning in Preschool 

To begin our year-long 'Belonging nurtures authentic connections' inquiry, we have been exploring the language of welcome in Preschool. We started unpacking what welcome feels, looks and sounds like and talked about what individuals like to see and do when they arrive in the morning, to feel safe and happy. With many new children starting, we have supported them to become familiar with the rhythm of our Preschool day, getting to know spaces and people. When children learn about who they are as individuals and as part of a family and community, they develop a sense of identity. 

Through relationships, role play, construction, visual arts, group times and daily rituals, children have been engaging in a process of self-discovery. They have been learning about and exploring their individual strengths and interests and many of our older cohort have been taking on a leadership role, sharing their knowledge of Preschool. Children have been expressing ideas of who they are, how they belong to their family at home, and ways they feel welcome as part of our Preschool community. 


The Preschool Team