Cyber Safety/STEM

User Agreement
Our Year 3 - 6 Learners have all been educated and supported in understanding both the knowledge and application of St Mary’s ICT User Agreement. The initial learning for the agreement outlines safe use both with the device and the platforms we use. Teachers have been explicit in modelling and setting up routines and structures to ensure our devices are used for educational purposes and in a safe and orderly manner. Our expectations and conduct on line has also been articulated in our school rules and expected behaviours, this will allow learners to successfully use their devices for learning.
Devices and Smart Watches
St Mary’s does not allow the use of personal devices and smart watches during the school day. If a child needs to contact a parent, or needs to confirm information with home, the administration team is here to support. We are more than happy to be the supporting adults for your child. We recognised that some parents provide smart watches and personal devices for before and after school travel however we ask they are deactivated for school times (8:30am - 3:30pm). Parents must also be aware that smart devices brought to school are the sole responsibility of the parents. Personal devices used at school will be confiscated and parents asked to collect them.
Devices for school
St Mary’s in conjunction with parents lease our devices to ensure we are cost effective while also being able to resource the school with current and reliable devices. Parents contribute to ICT leasing however such contributions do not allow for an outright purchase. Our devices from Year 3 - 6 are predominantly used at school and are not required to travel home. St Mary’s does not set homework tasks that require a device and are therefore storing all devices at school from now on.