Learning and Teaching

It has been exciting to witness the beginning of our Magnify journey. If you’ve been following along since last year, this year, 52 schools across Sandhurst are rolling out evidence based curriculum to support teaching and learning. Our programs provide a low variance curriculum where all learners can achieve success. As our staff and learners are beginning this journey, we are being patient while remaining committed to the process, knowing change takes time.
This year, our curriculum programs include:
Literacy; Years F-1 - MultiLit Years 3-6 OCHRE
Mathematics; Years F-6 - This year, St Mary’s Primary School is using Ochre Education as our key Mathematics resource. Ochre provides engaging, curriculum-aligned lessons, activities, and assessments to support consistent and high-quality teaching across all year levels. This approach ensures that every student receives a strong foundation in Mathematics while developing problem-solving skills and confidence.
As we continue the journey, stay tuned for further updates.
Year 3
Daily Review - Wipe it Chin it, Park it,
At St Mary’s, all classes are engaging in regular reviews of past learning from both previous lessons and the prior year. This practice aligns with the Science of Learning approach, reinforcing the idea that the more frequently students revisit new information, the more likely it is to be stored in their long-term memory.
In Year 3, students have established an efficient routine for their daily review. When asked to show their answers on mini whiteboards, they follow the structured process: Chin it, Wipe it, Park it. This routine has proven to be an effective way to quickly assess each student’s understanding in both Mathematics and Literacy.
Year 6
Year 6 Shirts
This year our Year 6 shirts are designed by local artist and Yorta Yorta woman Melanie Micalizzi. Mel incorporated our St Mary’s story into the design, along with key landmarks of Echuca including the Yakoa and Dhungala Rivers. You will see the school on the front of the shirt, represented by a circle; a large space for gathering. Mel’s design also acknowledged our four House Groups and she found our St Mary’s colours complimented key symbols of Indigenous culture including the sun and water.
We are very impressed with the design and thank Mel for partnering with us.