Catholic Identity

Welcome to the new school year!
As a new staff member this year, as St Mary’s Catholic Identity Leader, I am hope-filled in my role alongside staff, learners, parents and the Parish community as we support each other in our faith. I am grateful to staff and learners for their warm welcome over the past week and days.
Australia’s first Saint, Mary of the Cross MacKillop inspires much of my passion as I aspire to ‘never see a need without doing something about it’. I ask for your assistance in this commitment as we model outreach, compassion and care to those who are in need. Traditionally, the season of Lent is a time of almsgiving and outreach, although I believe our willingness to lend a hand to others should not be compartmentalised or timetabled.
Pope Francis has declared this year as a Jubilee Year. The theme, “Pilgrims of Hope’ inspires each of us to be hope-filled. Hope is in the heart of each person and we are reminded that there is immense goodness in our world.
Pilgrims of Hope
The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has announced that 2025 will be a Jubilee Year, something which happens every 25 years. The theme for Jubilee 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope,” and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and the climate crisis.
The logo shows four stylized figures, representing God’s people, coming from the four corners of the earth. They embrace each other to indicate the solidarity and fraternity which should unite all peoples.
The figure at the front is holding onto the cross. It is not only the sign of the faith which this lead figure embraces, but also of hope - we are always in need of hope, especially in our moments of greatest need.
There are the rough waves under the figures, symbolising the fact that life’s journey does not always go smoothly in calm waters. Often the circumstances of daily life and events in the wider world require a greater call to hope.
Beginning of the School year Mass
Families are invited to join with us as we celebrate and mark the beginning of the new school year with Mass in the Brigidine Centre on Thursday 20th February at 2.00pm.
All learners have been practising their songs, readings and responsibilities in preparation for our first liturgical gathering for the year. I look forward to meeting you and celebrating alongside you.
Sacramental preparation
Our Grade 4 learners have begun their Sacramental journey as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation & Eucharist on the weekend of the 29th & 30th March. We look forward to welcoming Bishop Shane MacKinlay to our Parish community. Please keep these candidates in your prayers as the Spirit guides them each step of the way.
Year Level / Community Mass & Liturgy Timetable
Throughout the year we will gather together to celebrate our faith and learning as a school and as a Parish community. Please mark these dates in your calendar as an opportunity to strengthen our connections and share our lives.
Year Level / Community | Date | Venue |
Years 3 & 4 (Moore Community) | Sunday 16th February @ 9.30am | St Mary’s Church |
Whole school beginning of the year Mass | Thursday 20th February @ 2.00pm | Brigidine Centre St Mary’s School |
Year 5 Liturgy | Thursday 27th February @ 12.30pm | Brigidine Centre St Mary’s School |
Whole school burning of the Palms Liturgy | Tuesday 4th March @ 2.30pm
St Mary’s School |
Whole school Ash Wednesday Mass (Marking the beginning of the Season of Lent) |
Wednesday 5th March @ 9.15am |
Brigidine Centre St Mary’s School
Year 4 Mass | Thursday 13th March @ 12.30pm | Brigidine Centre St Mary’s School |
Year 2 Mass | Thursday 20th March @ 12.30pm | Brigidine Centre St Mary’s School |
Grade 4 Candidates | Saturday 29th March Sunday 30th March @ 9.30am | St Mary’s Church |
Whole school Holy Week Liturgy | Thursday 3rd April @ 12.30pm | Brigidine Centre St Mary’s School |
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Tuesday)
On Tuesday 4th March we will be celebrating Pancake Tuesday! Prior to Lent commencing in traditional times, families would use up all their eggs and flour to lessen any temptation to eat sweet things for the next forty days.
Pancakes will be made and cooked on this day and shared with learners and staff.
I am seeking parent volunteers to help in the kitchen to prepare and cook the pancakes between 8.15am and 10.45am in the Brigidine Kitchen on Tuesday 4th March which will be distributed to learners at recess. A gold coin donation from each learner would be appreciated to support Caritas Australia. Project Compassion boxes will be located in each classroom for donations to be inserted.
Caritas Australia is an aid agency of the Australian Catholic Church and is recognised as a charity in Australia working to eradicate poverty and injustice.
Please email me to offer your support and culinary skills!
Thank you in advance.
Donations for Pancake Tuesday:
We are asking our Foundation, Year One and Year 2 for donations of the ingredients to make this happen. Please note, later in the term we will be seeking donations from the Years 3 to 6 families to donate Easter eggs for our St Mary's Easter raffle.
Please see below what each learner from the Year Levels is asked to donate:
Foundation | Year 1 | Year 2 |
As we begin our new year together, in Your name,
We recognise Your presence on our journey together.
Open our minds to know Your voice.
Open our hands to do Your work.
And open our hearts to hold Your Spirit.