School News

Prep Parents Night

Year 6 Run Canteen is back tomorrow!

Dear APS Families,

The Year 6 Canteen Action Team is excited to announce that the canteen will be open from week 4. Canteen will run fortnightly throughout the term as follows:

  • Week 4 - Thursday 20th February
  • Week 6 - Thursday 6th March
  • Week 8 - Thursday 20th March
  • Week 10 - Thursday 3rd April 

Please find the menu for 2025 below.

We look forward to seeing students there. Thank you



Canteen Menu 2025 

Fortnightly Timetable - Every Even Week Thursday:

1:20 Year 3 (park)

1:25 Year 4 (park)

1:30 Foundation

1:35 Year 1 & 2

1:40 Year 5 & 6

*Limit of 1 frozen item and 1 other item per child

Zooper Doopers


Fruit CupsBlackcurrant












Piranha CrackersBBQ


 Honey Soy


Piranha SnapsBBQ




 Light & Tangy


Ginger Kids


Classroom Cuisine Lunch Orders - 2025

APS Fair Save the Date Saturday 3rd May!