Sports News

2025 District Swimming Team
Firstly, I would like to congratulate all who participated in the APS Swimming Carnival.
I would also like to thank all the volunteers and staff who helped on the day.
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected for the district team this year. Permission and payment can be completed via the compass online parent portal.
Grace | Dakota | Angela |
William D | Fred | Xavier |
Maddy | Leo S | Hendrik |
Winston | Audrey | Mila |
Ella | Gus | Blake |
Oscar | Harper | Carter |
Isabella W | William H | Amelia |
Lucas | Millie | Odette |
Kira | Toby | Charlie |
Isabella P | Remy | Sophie |
Sam | Eddie | |
Liam | Marlowe |
District swimming will be held on Monday the 24th of February at Northcote Aquatic Centre.
For those interested in the selection process for the district team please read the following:
Age Categories at District, Division, Regional and State Levels:
- 9/10 girls and boys (students born in 2015, 2016)
- 11 girls and boys (students born in 2014)
- 12/13 girls and boys (students born in 2013)
- A maximum of two girls and two boys may be entered in each age category/event
- Students can only swim in two events (not including the relay)
- The team is selected based on students with the fastest swimming times from the APS swimming carnival.
- At the APS Swimming carnival, students competed in their year level groups and there were multiple heats so although they may have placed and received a ribbon on the day, they may not progress to the next round. This is because it is the fastest times from the age categories not year levels. Please note the reason the APS swimming carnival is structured differently is because the focus is on fun and participation, and it allows students to swim with their peers.
- Students who qualify for more than two events are given the choice as to which events they would like to compete in. Remaining spots are filled with the next fastest swimmers.
- Freestyle relay teams are the top four fastest swimmers in each age category.
Kind regards,
Natalie Ognenis
Sports Co-ordinator and PE Teacher
Please also note the following from the IDSSA District Coordinator:
Dear Parents and Coaches,
Please note the seeding system for our District Swimming Championships.
If your child makes their school swimming team in an event, their qualification time will be recorded and submitted. This time will determine which heat they will compete in on the day.
In each event there will be 2 heats splitting the 20 swimmers from each school.
Heat 1 will be the second quickest group of 10 students based on their qualification time. The top three placegetters will receive ribbons but will not be eligible to proceed to the Division Championships.
Heat 2 will be the 10 quickest swimmers, based on their qualification time, with the top 3 receiving ribbons and the top 2 proceeding to the Division Championships.
Please note on the day of the District Carnival, Heat 1 will be swum before Heat 2.
As trial times will determine seedings, it is critical that students are aware that they need to swim their quickest time at their school trials.
Kind regards,
Tim Carney
Ivanhoe District Sport Coordinator