Important dates 

Upcoming events   
Mon 10th MarchPublic Holiday
Wednesday 12th MarchParents and Friends Meeting 7pm
Friday 14th MarchAlex's Yr 4/5 Class Assembly
Monday 17th MarchGoverning Council Meeting 7pm
Friday 21st MarchHarmony Day and JAM band performance
24th-28th MarchLearning Discussions
Friday 28th MarchKelly's Class Tuck Shop*
Friday 28th MarchSallie's Yr 5/6 Class Assembly
Thursday 4th AprilDistrict Athletics
Friday 5th AprilSports Day
Friday 12th AprilEnd of term assembly 1:30pm 
Friday 12th AprilEarly Dismissal 2:10pm

*Please note for your budget planning, these items have a cost for families involved. 

 Pupil Free/ School Closure Days 
Thursday 20th MarchPupil Free Day
Monday 5th MayPupil Free Day
Friday 6th JunePupil Free Day                                                           
Monday 20th OctoberPupil Free Day
Monday 3rd NovemberSchool Closure Day
School Times 
Before School Care (OSHC)7am-8.50am
Yard Supervision8.30am – 8.50am
School Commences8.50am
1st Lunch play10.40am-11.10am
Classes resume at 11.10am
2nd Lunch Play 12.55pm-1.25pm
Classes resume at1.25pm
End of classes 3.10pm
Yard Supervision3.10pm – 3.30pm
After School Care3.30pm-6pm

 Children are dismissed at 2.10pm on the last day of each term.