A message from Margie

Our Learn Stand Give Fly values focus for term 1 is COLLABORATIVE. We have been considering what collaborative means and how it helps us in our learning. We have started by looking at examples of animals showing collaboration in nature, and have considered the different ways we as human animals collaborate for our survival and for greater success in life.
Jaya shared a wonderful example of our students working collaboratively to support one another with their learning, which she overheard on yard duty last week:
In the yard, Jemima (Yr 2) was wondering how she could come up with ideas for her Big Write on the to 'Escape From the Zoo'.
Some Yr 5 students Maud, Jobe, Tilly, Layla and Bria were walking by. They asked her about what ideas she had already and decided to help. Here's what they told me today:
"Jemima already had the original idea. She just needed some help to work out how to get snakes from Antartica to the jungle. We all started to give her ideas and we just bounced ideas off each other. It's really important to listen to others' ideas. I guess we can help because we're a bit older and we have more experience than the younger kids sometimes, and if we help them, they'll learn to help others too. What's great is that it benefits all of us. We all come away with ideas we couldn't have come up with on our own."
Other Yr 2 students Artie and Thelma were also learning alongside Jemima. Artie added to the collaborative exercise by challenging others to consider whether snakes could even survive in Antarctica! Thelma said she got ideas from listening to the whole conversation, which helped her with her own Big Write.
Learning Discussions
We are all looking forward to the Parent/Teacher ‘Learning Conversations’ which will be held in Week 9 this term. Teachers hope to meet with the family of every student to discuss their learning needs and progress so far this year. *Please note if your child already has a One Plan meeting booked there is no need to double up with a Learning Discussion meeting.
Interviews are strictly 15 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate meeting by telephoning the school on 8390 3209 or contacting the teacher via SeeSaw.
To make a booking go to Go to https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/twewh and enter code twewh or use the below QR code
I hope you're all enjoying the Festival season... I'm off to Womadelaide! 💃🎵✨
Have a wonderful fortnight, everyone! 🤩