
Number & Algebra   I   Measurement & Geometry   I   Statistics & Probability

Our Mathematics lessons will also align with our TILER instructional model. This will entail gradually supporting students to become more independent in their use of a range of mathematical skills and strategies. This will involve:

  • Tune-in activities to promote number fluency.
  • Explicit modelling of key mathematical skills and strategies through worked examples.
  • Independent practice that promotes understanding of core concepts through game-based activities or open-ended problem solving tasks. 
  • A reflection and whole-class discussion on the lesson focus and new knowledge gained.

In Term 1, we will be covering the following areas in Mathematics:

  • Place value - understanding the value of digits according to its place within a number, and supporting students to be able to count, compare, record and rename numbers in a range of different ways.
  • Additive thinking - explicitly teaching strategies to support students’ ability to add and subtract numbers.
  • Multiplicative thinking - supporting students to understand the connections between mathematical operations and to think multiplicatively, for example, using repeated addition to solve multiplication problems.
  • Statistics - interpreting and representing simple sets of data using bar graphs and pictograms.
  • Time - supporting students’ ability to interpret and use information from calendars.
  • Measurement - using formal and informal units to measure the length of a range of everyday objects.
  • Space - understanding the features of 2D and 3D shapes and how the two are related.

There will also be weekly revision lessons in Mathematics where we revisit mathematical concepts previously taught. This will assist students in transferring this information to their long-term memory to promote deeper understanding of concepts taught.