Home Learning

Home Learning:
It is crucial that students consolidate their learning at school by reading at home for at least 20 minutes each day. This will allow them to develop their reading fluency and the various comprehension skills and strategies they have been exposed to at school.
- Students will shortly commence daily take-home readers, which they will swap over daily and will be levelled to their ability.
- A reading guide for parents will be sent home shortly which contains prompting questions to support your child’s literal, inferential and evaluative capabilities.
- A variety of resources aimed at assisting you in supporting your child’s learning at home are available via Compass. To access these resources, click School Resources > Parent Documents > Supporting Your Child At Home.
Starting from next week, students will also be able to further consolidate their learning through a range of digital platforms. The tasks on these platforms will be adjusted and set periodically to reflect current curriculum areas in class. Students will be able to access their accounts via a unique login which will be sent home in a password booklet shortly.
- Nessy which is a digital learning tool. It encompasses a series of reading and spelling game based interactive tasks to challenge and extend students with a focus of reading.
- Matific which is a digital learning tool. It provides further opportunities for students to build a deeper conceptual understanding of various mathematics skills.