General Information & Reminders

Welcome to Term 1 of Grade 2. This year, the Grade 2 team is made up of the following teachers.
2A - Julia Kaminski
2B - Madeleine Paslis (M - Th) & Helen James (F)
2C - John Ensabella
2D - Mikayla Turner
Classroom teachers have enjoyed getting to know the students in the first week of school and establishing our classroom routines and expectations, and are looking forward to continuing building these relationships over the course of this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Students will make a weekly post using Seesaw that highlights an activity the class has participated in each week. This will include work samples, special events or celebrations of achievements. Teachers will distribute a log-in for parents shortly so you can access these weekly celebrations.
Parent-teacher interviews will be occurring in Week 3 of term from February 10th - 14th. Bookings will open shortly and can be made via Compass. We look forward to meeting with you all then.