
I Am Secure

What makes you feel safe and secure? What images come to mind? Perhaps someone or something strong and dependable?

Seeing the weather has been so hot here lately, our Worship had a bit of a nautical theme on Wednesday. We were thinking about boats and anchors...


When going out on a boat, we all hope for days of sunny skies with a gentle cooling breeze and, of course, smooth seas... but conditions aren’t always so favourable. Sometimes the weather gets stormy, the waves get rough and it is easy to be blown off course. Using an anchor secures the boat as it is buffeted about, preventing it from going adrift. 


In life we all experience a range of weather conditions. Some days are beautiful... plain sailing you could say. But at other times we encounter storms. We experience changes, sometimes unexpected, and challenges... They can rock our boat and send us reeling. Then there’s the waves of our turbulent emotions... when we react to situations that frighten us and leave us vulnerable. 


Hebrews 6:19a NIV says:

We have this hope as an anchor for the *soul, firm and secure.’ (* Some describe the soul as our mind, will and emotions.)


When we are connected or anchored to God, through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can be assured of His stability and security. The hope that is spoken of in this verse is not the same as the word ‘wish’, suggesting it may or may not happen. Rather, this hope is certain. We will all face storms of some description in our lives, but when we do, we can find strength and comfort knowing God’s presence and love is with us as an anchor throughout any challenge we face. 


The bible contains other images that remind us of the security we have in God.


Psalm 18:2 NLT says:

The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my Saviour: my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me and my place of safety.


Whether the image you best relate to is an anchor, a fortress, or a shield, God’s desire is to keep us safe and secure. He is strong, dependable as is His love for us... no matter what we face... 


How might this influence your day today?

Georgie Schuster

Sunday Service Times at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Informal Friday Evening Service at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Did you know that here at Good Shepherd Lutheran church we offer different kinds of services? Our first Informal Friday Evening Service for the year is coming up on Friday, February 14th at 7pm in the church café. 


The theme is ‘So... What is a Christan anyway?'

The service is informal, visitor friendly, and interactive. Come along... Invite your friends and neighbours... We’d love to see you! 

2025 Worship Song Playlist

Do you find yourself wondering what songs we sing in Wednesday Worship? Do your children come home singing some of the songs? We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd School Worship Song Playlist on YouTube. To find a selection of songs that we sing, click here and start singing along!