Lifelinehttps://www.lifeline.org.au/ 13 11 44Chat online and text services available

Beyond Bluehttps://www.beyondblue.org.au/ 1300 224 636Chat online available

Kids Helplinehttps://kidshelpline.com.au/ 1800 551 800Chat online available | 24/7

Headspacehttps://headspace.org.au/ 1800 650 890Chat online available | eheadspace

We are excited to announce that Sacred Heart will be hosting  two ‘Living with Primary Aged Children’ Sessions (choose one suitable time) to help support our parents/families.

Focus concepts will surround the importance of a safe, secure relationship, brain development, messages of behaviour and emotion coaching. There will be  opportunities for parents to contribute their experiences and observations. 

The session is an interactive one which also aims to validate and normalise the experience of parenting.

Following this, depending on interest, there will be some individual consults made available.

In addition, some online ‘Zoom’ - “Circle of Security” sessions with at least six parents will be conducted either in Term 4 or in Term 1 of 2024.


Where: Multipurpose Room at Sacred Heart

When: Wednesday 13th September

Time: 1:15pm - 3:15pm (or)

Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm


Please register your interest through the Connect Survey available in PAM.

This survey is open now.   

‘Body Boundaries Sound Like’

I remember how one day at school, both of my best friends were home sick, leaving me to sit alone at lunch. 

As I sat there, a group of older kids walked by. Perhaps seeing me as an easy target, they decided to take my apple from my lunchbox.

Even though I knew it was wrong, I felt frozen, unsure of how to respond, so I remained silent.

It might have been just an apple, but that moment has always stayed with me. I'd never want my children, or any other child, to feel that kind of helplessness when their boundaries are violated.

That’s why this week we are sharing the Body Boundaries Sound Like poster. This poster is a great visual to help your child respond to someone who invades their personal space. 

Have them practise using these phrases so they’ll be more prepared to say something if their boundaries are ever crossed - something I wish I learned as a child.

Take a look!!


Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader